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Post a Comment On: Bruce Charlton's Notions

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Blogger Sean G. said...

What a great message, thank you Bruce. Too often we feel those urges or waves of inspiration and expend great energy resisting, in order to do instead what we imagine we ought to be doing. I've recently found great power and inspiration from riding the waves as they come, because they offer me strength I can't muster on my own, and deep down I trust them more than my own deliberative thinking.

26 April 2021 at 14:26

Blogger Francis Berger said...

Great post.

Your observation concerning the pitfalls of adopting a siege mentality is strong one. Being under siege is a purely defensive position. You wall yourself in, become immobile, concentrate all of your efforts and energy on repelling attacks - your focus really does narrow down to not losing, which is not quite the same as attempting to find ways to 'win', so to speak.

I get the sense the other side aims to lock those on the side of Good into a state of perceived spiritual siege. Under such conditions, it would appear the best course of action is to NOT remain spiritually trapped in the bastion, but to spiritually venture forth.

For me, a spiritual adventure implies spiritual 'movement' (a venturing out of sorts). How else can we expect to meet God half way?

26 April 2021 at 18:31

Anonymous Alex said...

I would recommend against trying to commune with the spiritual world, outside of prayer. How do you know that what you're experiencing is from the good side?

27 April 2021 at 10:36

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Alex - There is no *safe* path to being a Christian. Those who try to seek safety will find a large majority of mainstream churches eager and willing to lead them safely to Hell.

27 April 2021 at 13:25

Anonymous Alex said...

@Bruce - I think we can both agree that prayer is a safe way to contact the spiritual realm, and that things like Ouija boards, magic rituals and seances are very bad indeed.

The question is: is there any safe middle-ground? I would say to err on the side of caution here. It could also be that I am misinterpreting the semantics of what you write, ie what you actually mean when you write about "a wish to experience the reality of the spirits which throng this world". I just think trying to contact spirits in general is a recipe for getting misled, but I might be reading your text in a hamhanded way.

27 April 2021 at 16:27

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Alex - No I don't agree that prayer is safe - because like everything else it depends on motivation.

Most prayer is merely useless, but a good deal is harmful - such as many of the intercessionary prayers I have heard in churches, praying for sociopolitical goals that sound like they have come from that morning's Guardian (NYT) headlines.

I don't agree that magic rituals are very bad indeed; because some practitioners - such as Gareth Knight, whose work I know pretty well - are fine, decent, well-motivated Christians.

the idea of safe and unsafe methods is fundamentally mistaken. It is the motivations that matter.

Of course we can and must judge the motivations of others, which may differ from those being claimed (and people often deceive themselves, too).

In general, I have argued that the main aspect of methods is that (at this time and place - I mean the West) we are supposed to be striving for Original Participation and therefore Not to be attempting any kind of systematic return to the unconscious passivity of childhood or early Man. This is why hallucinogenic drugs are wrongly motivated.

Yet, if I am being rigorous; I think the same about Westerners who are attempting to recreate the Medieval Catholic world as an ideal (and I was one of these for a few years). That era of consciousness is past and unattainable.

But in trying to achieve it; Men are shirking personal responsibility for discernment - and will be punished by being mis-led by the corrupt leadership which dominate the churches; and starved of spiritual sustenance by the dead hand of demonic bureaucracy which grips these churches.

I am certainly prepared to allow that this is a transitional era in which there still is an important role for traditional churches in the lives of some Men - but only when these Men are prepared to stand against the corruptions of their church leadership and the fact that their church institutional structures are locked-into the evil world System.

27 April 2021 at 17:30

Blogger No Longer Reading said...

Great post.

"I find the need consciously to regard (this life) as a spiritual quest. To adopt an approach to spiritual life that goes beyond the business of daily, hourly, survival against the unending attacks of evil; and is instead inner-motivated and strategic. "

The inner-motivated quest will vary depending on the individuals, but your example of reading and thinking shows that it may take the form of something that most overlook, yet is nonetheless important.

27 April 2021 at 18:31

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

I regard this inner motivated quest as a necessity for me; and I perceive a truly horrifying lack in most people - including most Christians. It is a terrible blight how a kind of phobia is keeping Christians from the 'Romantic' side of life that is vital to our soul.

Albeit such states of loving-creating are temporary and may be infrequent in this mortal life - they are the best that this life has to offer, and much can (and should) be learned from them that will be of great value in the life to come.

Heaven will surely be (as depicted in the Fourth Gospel) more intensely and pervasively Romantic than we can imagine - except in such moments.

27 April 2021 at 18:45