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Blogger Epimetheus said...

This goes a little way toward explaining the West's seismic move from a reality-oriented mindset to virtual reality. For example, I inherited some old Popular Mechanics magazines dating from 1912-1960s, and I'm awestruck (and shamed) by the sheer practicality and adventurousness of our recent ancestors.

Prior to the invention of television, your average Joe Blow Western man was tinkering constantly in his garage, his yard, his workshop, and his home-made laboratory. He was building sailboats, toys, tools, furniture, structures, vehicles - tinkering with engines, electronics, new technology... all as a matter of fun!

There's a noticeable decline over generations - the sons of carpenters, welders and mechanics play video-games; daughters are on social media instead of making dresses and baking delicacies, and all of us young suffer disinterest in learning real skills. As far as I can tell, each generation is less intrigued by the tangible, physical world than the last.

Modern man's secret fear that "real" reality is a meaningless, indifferent void plays a huge role in this process too.

It's a paradox - without spiritual perception, the material world fades away as well, until we are caught in the inescapable trap of modern mainstream virtual "reality," which is all smoke, mirrors, and lies.

But, happily, spiritual awakening seems to be the way out of all these problems.

This is one of the exciting prospects of spiritual renewal, especially in my life: to even dimly perceive the spiritual meaning, significance, detail, and life that suffuses the physical world is to once again become re-enchanted with it. I think I'm more interested in the real world than I've ever been.

23 December 2018 at 14:59

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@A - On those lines. The thing is, from adolescence Original Participation is denied us, unless we are in an imapired conscious state - drugs, delirium etc. Because in OP we are immersed in the really-real, whereas in a movie the real is only 'real' - we know it isn't actually happening. For it to be like OP and feel objective, we would need to have something removed from our capacity.

If Alternative Reality ever does come, it will include some drug, or brain interference, (e.g by an implanted technology) so that we 'forget' that the reality is only virtual, and will react to it exactly as if it is really happening.

This is what happened to some people with LSD - they believed the hallucinations/ delusions and thought it was actually happening.

24 December 2018 at 14:46

Blogger Chiu ChunLing said...

This is probably a greater problem with online play, especially massively multi-player online, since such games necessarily eliminate the genuinely creative possibilities of computer gaming (custom content creation/scenario editing, modding, and of course cheating) from the player experience, reserving them as the sole prerogative of the licensed administrators/IP owners of the game world. This creates a sharp and explicit divide between those who are creators of the game in any meaningful sense and those who are the audience of it.

And of course this creativity does not come with complete freedom for those who are working on the content/programming/balance of the game, as they are doing so as employees. It may be a "dream job" for some of them, but it's still a job.

24 December 2018 at 15:49

Blogger Dexter said...

"Spiritual" experiences are dismissed by the materialist mainstream as delusion or full-blown insanity. By definition they are "not real". How would you distinguish between someone genuinely delusional and someone having a genuine spiritual experience? Accepting that there are genuine spiritual experiences... is there also insanity/delusion, i.e. "visions" that are not spiritual but the product of a disordered brain?

26 December 2018 at 20:12

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Dexter -= there is no general rule or algoithm. Each case must be judged intuitively, by our-selves or someone whose judgment we trust (not on hearsay) and on on its own merit.

26 December 2018 at 20:39