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Blogger whitestone said...

Eternal universal reality. Has anyone ever attempted to map it out. Any literature where the question of what mechanisms constitute eternal, universal reality has been thoroughly addressed? Any recommendations.

24 July 2019 at 12:45

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

It is definitive of this era that each of us must discover eternal universal reality each for ourselves.

Indeed, in a sense, I believe that this specific aspect of the situation is the divine intent; we are supposed to do this; it is the test that we need to pass to move on.

24 July 2019 at 12:51

Blogger whitestone said...

Yes I would agree. That certainly seems to be the case and that’s fine by me. Yet it surprises me that it appears that no one has attempted to map out what’s actually right and wrong. What always has been and always will be, put simply. A few pointers wouldn’t go amiss. Of course it would be an enormous, almost impossible undertaking, but maybe worth a bash.

24 July 2019 at 15:18

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

I don't think it is possible, because such things are not really abstractions. They are not laws or facts. Reality is beings in relationships in a developing dynamic 'process '. So a list or map is not possible.

24 July 2019 at 15:34

Blogger whitestone said...

I see your point, but isn’t it contradictory to to on the one hand state that things are eternal and universal while on the other suggesting that things are developing and dynamic? Of course it isn’t, that is clearly the case, but some things are constant, woven into the fabric of creation. PC would have us believe that truth is purely developing and dynamic and subject to arbitrary change at the drop of a hat, yet there are rules. Dictates of divine nature that I don’t believe are subject to change. Not easy this.

24 July 2019 at 16:26

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@w - I think it's a matter of a different metaphor than we are used to - representing that we have been ultimately mistaken through most of history (although it was expedient and probably necessary) to abandon the way of thinking of hunter gatherers and young children. This 'animistic' thinking is natural and coherent - but does indeed seem contradictory to our usual way of reasoning - which essentially assumes that time is an illusion, and the 'real' world made of abstract entities in a spatial relationship.

24 July 2019 at 17:12

Blogger whitestone said...

That and the idolatry of subjective truth. A world where we are forced to believe an individuals subjective experiences are true. I.e men can have vaginas too. We need to get eternal, universal reality and morality nailed down. In simple concrete terms. A practical working model. For me its about sailing our ships in harmony with divine nature. Winds and currents change, but there are always winds and currents. Some things never change.

25 July 2019 at 21:28

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@w - "We need to get eternal, universal reality and morality nailed down. In simple concrete terms. A practical working model."

I don't agree, it would either be so banal as to be worthless - or more likely would lead to interminable semantic wranglings about gray areas and exceptions and evidence.

I think I understand why you want this; but this kind of plain, simple, 'true' model is exactly what we cannot now have. We either go beyond that craving, or we go nowhere.

25 July 2019 at 22:24

Blogger whitestone said...

Of course that’s right. The Ten Commandments will have to do for now.

26 July 2019 at 07:26

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@w - As Jesus probably said: the first and second commandments In That Order - will suffice.

26 July 2019 at 08:39