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Post a Comment On: Bruce Charlton's Notions

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Blogger William Wildblood said...

That's the best description of initiation and what it means I've read. So often people imagine the initiate is transformed into some higher state of consciousness, never to return to where he was before. But it's not like that at all. It's a gradual deepening of vision with no sudden dramatic experience that takes you to a higher place from which you never descend. Those who teach that kind of awakening are false initiates of which the last century or so saw plenty.

28 January 2020 at 10:57

Blogger Francis Berger said...

I agree with William's assessment of this post. The kind of 'initiation' you describe here is one that people need to make in order to realign themselves with reality.

On a side note, it struck me that most people in the West have engaged in an inverted form of the initiation you have outlined here - that is, a luring away from the real to the fake, which is then, in turn, regarded as real.

It appears easier to hang on to the psychological change once one has undergone this inverted initiation. Nevertheless, I would argue glimpses of 'real' reality still linger in the inverted initiate; but without the proper metaphysical assumptions, these glimpses often do little to inspire steps in the right direction.

28 January 2020 at 11:52

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@William - Thanks! I must admit I generally find talk of intitiation/ initiates very off-putting and unconvincing (given how the self-styled initiates behave!); but I thought I would see if I could make a more realistic use of the terms.

@Frank "a luring away from the real to the fake" - Yes, I tried to do this myself, in 2002. I was still an atheist; and I decided I was sick of fighting against the flow of things, and that I would instead try to make the best (be the happiest) with whatever were the dominant trends in society. I can distinctly recall a moment of release and relief when I 'gave up'. But I couldn't follow-through consistently, and the attempt to do so, eventually (after about 5 years) provoked the crisis that led to conversion.

28 January 2020 at 13:09

Blogger William Wildblood said...

Frank makes an excellent point. There is a kind of inverse initiation going on now. It's to do with swallowing all the leftist nostrums without question. It reminds me of Mark Studdock in That Hideous Strength who, as far as I can remember, was sent into a room with paintings all strangely askew and eventually had to spit on an image of Christ or something like that to prove his 'freedom'. He couldn't do that and was saved. The process now is slightly subtler but it's a similar thing.

28 January 2020 at 13:53

Blogger jana gatien said...

This post and its comments caused me to consider the nature of spiritual inversion and its parallels with autoimmune and auto-erotic (I.e. homosexuality) "disorders" (wherein things are truly out of their natural order and inverted in on themselves). Indeed, the modern conception of spiritual advancement & moral superiority is merely the inversion of all natural, metaphysical & supernatural orders/principle truths. This inversion leads to a self-catabolizing destruction of a person's body and psyche. I have even heard credible cases that AIDS is the physiological state begotten by auto-erotic disorders and not a virus at all (another subject altogether...).

The other thing that came to mind was that, being in a time where self-initiation is the only real option left, which demands personal atunement, some creativity, spontaneity and presence--enough of these not to lean on any system or guru--we are called to truly individuate a path to divinity and substantiate our relationship with God, independent of systems/institutions. Could this be the final task in man's spiritual maturity? Could this be the greatest environment (godless inversion) in which such a task could be undertaken? I think we tend to be resistant to this sometimes because it would mean that nearly everyone we've ever met will not be doing this and thus would likely disappear, like an extra in Grand Theft Auto when you turn off the game. Only the conscious players of the game would have their consciousness anchored outside the game.

28 January 2020 at 16:39