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Post a Comment On: Bruce Charlton's Notions

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Anonymous cecil1 said...

I find it strange that you say most modern people are unconcerned with the afterlife. What gives you this impression? Most people I know seem to be very aware of it (not in an obsessive way -- as I'm under the impression was in the Middle Ages for example), but more in an awareness of the continuity of this life with the next. It defines one's relationship with God. I always took it for granted almost that this was axoimatic to the Christian outlook in the West on a religious and cultural level.

That may be a function of one's social/religious setting, but death and its meaning is always a topic in popular culture on some level, isn't it?

I suspect it has changed focus but the serious privations of constant starvation, disease, and imminent death from even minor ailments put a focus of this before the 19th century that can be ignored at least somewhat now.

But in terms of the signifance of an afterlife, isn't continuity of the soul, with a continuity of remembrance and identity the key to a meaningful life NOW AND in any afterlife? Isn't THAT what MUST survive if it is to have any meaning. One's body can change dramatically in this life, but that doesn't preclude a continuity of the soul/consciousness. And when it is lost or greatly diminished as in some medical diseases, its return is always the necessary condition to say the person has been restored.

IF not, who exactly will be there to experience it, or remember? Do atoms remember their past 'lives' as molecules in some complex organism?

9 January 2024 at 18:44

Anonymous Juan Gustavo Peña said...

I think you have well captured the essence of Ecclesiastes 3:12-13.

10 January 2024 at 10:21