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Blogger Baduin said...

"The Image of God is the most perfect creature.

Since there cannot be two Gods the utmost endeavour of Almighty Power is the Image of God. It is no blasphemy to say that God cannot make a God: the greatest thing that He can make is His Image: a most perfect creature, to enjoy the most perfect treasures, in the most perfect manner.

A creature endued with the most divine and perfect powers, for measure, kind, number, duration, and excellency is the most perfect creature: able to see all eternity with all its objects, and as a mirror to contain all that it seeth: able to love all it contains, and as a Sun to shine upon its caves: able by shining to communicate itself in beams of affection and to illustrate all it illuminates with beauty and glory: able to be wise, holy, glorious, blessed in itself, as God is; being adorned inwardly with the same kind of beauty, and outwardly superior to all creatures."

And that is Lucifer, of course.

12 February 2012 at 15:26

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...


Are you saying that Traherne is promoting Lucifer as the ideal?

My interpretation is that Traherne is making many points - but one is that perfect happiness entails not just perfect conditions, but also that we ourselves be perfected (otherwise even perfect conditions would be of no avail) - and that we spontaneously yearn for both of these.

I get from Pascal the point that only Chrstianity (with its promise of both Heaven and Resurrection) offers both of these - which is why any rational person should want Christianity to be true

(this applies whether or not a person believes Christianity is actually true; he ought to be able to see that it makes the best 'offer' of all world religions - assuming (as I do) that Mormonism - is counted as a type of Christianity).

15 February 2012 at 14:57