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Anonymous dearieme said...

"People are loyal to some institutions": our household receives begging letters from ten educational institutions to which we have links. I once offered some money to one: the offer was turned down. I must admit that I am now inclined not to give a penny piece to any of them. Schools, universities ... all have turned rotten.

As for the only trade union to which I have belonged: I was once co-opted on to a branch committee. I found that the main thing we had in common was a deep contempt for the union officers in London. My professional bodies: I have chosen to have no contact since retirement.

The social club I used to belong to is defunct. If I still lived near my old rugby club then maybe ... But we move, ties sever, life rushes past ...

25 August 2019 at 18:39

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

All modern institutions of any size are bureaucracies , and nobody (sane) is loyal to a bunch of managers.

25 August 2019 at 18:46