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Blogger AnteB said...

I thought the switch of narrative could be about creating support for a major confrontation with China, though your theory seems more realistic.

29 May 2021 at 11:56

Blogger jas said...

The global financial system is failing (just look at inflation), whatever needs to be done to hide it will be done, even if that means a birdemic or 'war' with Russia/China (who will act out their 'evil' part, as they're part of the same system). The masses end up with nothing, but it was all due to birdemic/Russia/China.

29 May 2021 at 12:54

Anonymous Otto said...

Ah... that explains why Bill G. has invested millions in mosquito research.

29 May 2021 at 13:44

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@O - I wasn't aware of that, but you're right.

Spreading malaria more widely via increased-range super-mozzies might well be more effective than trying to engineer an impossible new superbug - assuming that massively/ deniably reducing the world population happens to be your aim.

29 May 2021 at 13:49

Blogger Stephen Macdonald said...

Another Big Lie they may be preparing to activate is "UFOs". The Pentagon recently released a series of videos which they claimed were genuine cases of "real UFOs". A handful of Navy pilots have gone on widely-viewed US talk shows claiming that "UFO" encounters are frequent -- almost ubiquitous. Not coincidentally, the US military is being radically reshaped to conform to "woke" ideology. Trump merely delayed this briefly.

How hard would it be for the Elite to pull off a monstrous hoax where they claimed to be in communication with alien intelligence? (of course those "aliens" would advise humanity to behave in ways congruent with what the Elite desires -- more totalitarianism, etc.)

It all sounds very far-fetched, but so is the Big Lie concerning "climate change" and they've got almost all gullible Westerners (i.e. most people) to believe that one.

29 May 2021 at 14:19

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@N - Yes, that was a trial balloon sure enough. But it did not seem to fly - so probably we won't here about it again, for a while.

This idea of a fake alien invasion as an excuse for the usual stuff, is one I came across years ago - maybe I read it from David Icke? Reagan and Gorbachev are reliably recorded as having discussed this issue back in the 80s - and they noted that their nations could/would 'unite' against such a threat.

'They' are casting around for something that will be The Next Big Thing - trying out this and that, as well as the old favourites.

Perhaps they will simply be opportunistic in inflating some-thing that wasn't planned specifically but is linked to some 'reaction' (or even did not really happen - like last summer's Big Lie) - since They have the coordinated apparatus to do so almost instantly when instructed - and it always seems to work, nowadays.

29 May 2021 at 15:05

Anonymous captOBV said...

"the peck was made with the assumption in mind that the birdemic was natural. now that we know its a biowing, we have to make an entirely new peck."

that's the agenda I think. "Squat in your nests for another year while we develop the new anti biowing peck."

29 May 2021 at 23:04

Anonymous Sean Fowler said...

I hate to ask this question, but what proof do we actually have that the virus exists?

29 May 2021 at 23:24

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@SF - I'm not making that assumption, but it makes no difference either way. The birdemic is partly, mostly or wholly an artefact of assumptions and non-specific diagnostic mechanisms. Which of these does not make any substantive difference to the phenomenon; which is fake from bottom to top.

29 May 2021 at 23:31