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Anonymous AlexT said...

"I am haunted by the greatness of the past - times when Englishness and Christianity were naturally coherent and synergistic."
I think a lot of people feel this way about their countries. It is hard to reconcile what is with what used to be. I fall into despair any time i seriously consider what was lost between 1917 and 1945. This is what Tolkien would call a 'wolf age'.

15 October 2012 at 11:33

Blogger Les Beery said...

I have been listening to an audio version of the King James Bible this year. I have found that the New Testament is much more comprehensible to my ear than the O.T. All in all, I have been pleased with the poetic and even archaic sound of the translation. I wonder what you think of The Message Bible - it's very earthy and up-to-date.

16 October 2012 at 15:12

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@LB - I do't know the Message Bible, but my 10yr old daughter has a (jokey) Bible paraphrase called The Word On The Street; but she often reads the AV once she has looked at the paraphrase.

I have copies of the New International version (a line by line paraphrase) and the ESV (word by word) to help understand difficult passages; also an Orthodox Study Bible to get the Septuagint-derived context...

16 October 2012 at 15:31