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Anonymous Proph said...

I remember C. S. Lewis writing, in "The Problem of Pain" (in the chapter on Hell) that the characteristic feature of Hell was, in his mind, not duration but finality; that to be damned to Hell was not the beginning of a new chapter but the end of the story. He was only speculating, of course, but it's still interesting.

The relation of time to the afterlife has always interested me. I was once under the impression that not only God but also Heaven and Hell exist outside of time -- that time is simply a property of the physical universe of which we're currently a part. This implied, to me, that there was never a "time" when Heaven and Hell weren't already filled with all the souls that would ever come to occupy it. Which was odd, because it implied that those who were rescued from Hell during the Harrowing were, in some loose sense, in both Heaven and Hell "simultaneously."

30 September 2011 at 18:46

Anonymous Daniel said...


It's funny that you mention "The Problem of Pain" because Dr. Charlton's post made me think of another Lewis book, "The Great Divorce." In that book he portrays Hell as being much like you and Dr. C describe it here. I just received a few minutes ago an invitation to a CS Lewis discussion group starting right down the street from me next month. The first book under discussion? "The Great Divorce."

A serendipitous morning!

30 September 2011 at 19:52

Blogger The Crow said...

"1. Timeless, unchanging eternity percieved all at once - the perspective of God."

I don't know where this sentence originated, but somebody, somewhere, either actually knew what they were talking about, or experienced a divine revelation.
This could be described as God-Consciousness, and is something one is able to experience, while still living. I take it to be a glimpse of the death-state, while not yet being physically dead.
Everything, everywhere, always.
An absence of linear-time.
The divine magnificence of eternal-time.

2 October 2011 at 18:17