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Anonymous Tim said...

Is Mormonism true though? I understand that it has a "this worldly" robustness to it with its strong emphasis on family but it does not uphold the Nicene creed.

If the church fathers were wrong about that then it brings the whole of the bible into disrepute. I cannot see how Mormonism can be allowed into the "umbrella" of Christianity when it seems to substitute God the father for a flesh and blood man, it is apostasy for the sake of family success.

15 March 2019 at 01:00

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Tim - Yes, of course Mormonism is true - or else I would not believe it!

We should only believe truth. (But, of course, one must first understand; then believe or reject.)

I suspect you may be new to the blog, because I think I detect that you are assuming I am promoting the Mormon lifestyle/ behaviour/ church membership - because it is politically expedient.

But, on the contrary, I am advocating Mormon metaphysics and theology because it is true.

Whether something 'counts' as Christian entirely depends upon your prior assumptions - which most people are unaware of, or which they deny are assumptions. That is the main subject of the whole of this blog.

15 March 2019 at 06:57

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@SC - If you took the trouble actually to read the above and the links - which you would have done if your concern was genuine - then you would realise I am not quite so ignorant as you suppose.

20 March 2019 at 10:31