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Anonymous Adam G. said...

*I mean by this that the religion, the ideology, the law, may be Patriarchal - asserting male domination in every situation - but under stable conditions and with social development, tacitly but effectively women come to dominate some areas of life; and this can be seen as validating the reality of Complementarianism.*

My tentative thought: the realm of the formal and theoretical is probably a male realm, so ideology, law, and public religion will tend to be male dominant. I don't think there is much of a distinction between formally asserting that men are dominant everywhere, but in practice having informally marked spheres where women are the actors, and formally recognizing the different spheres. It may also be that when people talk about men always leading or being dominant, they are thinking of leadership and dominance as intrinsically male roles, so by definition not applicable to spheres where women have a principal role.

In short, while the distinction you make is robust theoretically, I'm not sure there is much of a real world distinction between patriarchy in many of its iterations and complementarianism.

29 August 2014 at 13:12

Anonymous Titus Didius Tacitus said...

"The question then is, of Patriarchy and Complementarianism , which is true and which is best?"

The best is the is least likely to collapse to Feminism. (With the weight of experience to decide which that is.) Because feminism is not only unsustainable in the long run but massively corrupting, destructive and potentially fatal for the peoples / "nations" that succumb to it.

Experience shows that Feminism thrives under the protection of a counter-majoritarian ethnic strategy imposed and sustained by deceit - indeed by such extreme and pervasive deceit that only advanced technological means of mass-produced lying will do. And Feminism adds many terrible lies of its own.

Given that, I don't see room for the better position to be the one that on balance is less productive of truth. Whichever position less often leads to feminism (and even more importantly, whichever one less often succumbs to the counter-majoritarian strategy of mass deceit that underpins the success of Feminism) will eventually produce more truth.

It doesn't seem likely either that the worse, riskier position, the one that is likelier to slide into a reign of liars and into cultural and genetic disaster, will be true.

It might be. There's no reason to think that the universe is the sort of thing of which a true and complete account could be written, no reason to think that there is any harmony in its parts. But there also doesn't seem to be any special reason why in this case the doctrine that leads to an increased chance that its believers will go over a social and moral cliff and be destroyed would be the true one.

The reasonable default assumption would be that the doctrine that more often leads to ruin is in some important way untrue, even if its parts can be presented in a way that makes them all sound like indisputable common sense.

29 August 2014 at 14:34

Anonymous Titus Didius Tacitus said...

There is also the question of which doctrine is best for the present and the coming age, bearing in mind the Great Simplification, or Idiocracy.

29 August 2014 at 14:38

Anonymous Titus Didius Tacitus said...

A simple implication of Complementarianism is that while the effect of Feminism might be bad overall it might be good in areas where women actually ought to dominate, such as in issues touching on motherhood. Like abortion, for instance. The prevailing argument that if you're not a woman, shut up! should be producing good and moral results on abortion (and related issues).

29 August 2014 at 15:04

Blogger John Goes said...

In your presentation, Bruce, fatherhood becomes subsumed by priesthood - or else you have to complicate your presentation substantially.

I am aware of some families in which father knows best (over various issues) and others in which mother knows best. Different families seem to have different ideals natural to their natures in this respect. However, in my observations I would say that mothers tend to have more natural leadership over children (and general childraising issues) < 7 years old and men when children are getting older.

If you agree more or less with this, how does priesthood fit in?

My understanding of patriarchy (as interpreted by Catholicism and Orthodoxy, for instance) is that complementarity is "built in", with men and women having the relationship between Christ and Church. Though the law (and perhaps the last word) is from the man, men should rule wisely and as Christians. And this means that wives should be given their due voice - particularly over such matters in which they have natural power and insight.

29 August 2014 at 18:51

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Adam - Well, I disagree, or else I would not have written this. In particular, Patriarchy can be taken a very long way indeed, and into serf-like exploitation and denial of humanity and agency - IF there is no complementarian strand to the regulatory ideal/ideology (as, for instance, half a billion monotheistic women could perhaps confirm - if they were permitted to speak on the subject without harsh reprisals).

@TDT - I'm afraid I can't follow your argument today.

@JG - No - the situation is precisely not symmetrical.

Motherhood and Fatherhood are not symmetrical, nor opposite equivalents.

Nor are they the most relevant complements.

30 August 2014 at 15:09

Anonymous MC said...


If Complementarianism really led to acceptance of feminist abortion dogma, then Mormons ought to accept abortion, but in fact they oppose it intensely.

Since complementarianism requires women to follow the (male) priesthood's explication of God's will regarding abortion, or any other wicked feminist principle, then the infiltration of feminist extremism is effectively cut off.

30 August 2014 at 17:23

Anonymous MC said...

I had a local LDS leader tell me once (by way of advice, not commandment), that, while every important decision of a married couple should be made together, there are some decisions on which one spouse ought to have final say. He gave three examples:

1. The husband should have final say on what city you live in, since that is usually determined by his employment.

2. The wife should have final say on what house to live in within that city, since that is her principal domain (and she's there much more of the day).

3. The wife should have final say on how many children you have, since that burden falls primarily on her.

He wouldn't have deigned to give his advice a fancy name like Complementarianism, but it seems to have the same philosophical basis.

30 August 2014 at 17:33

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@MC - Good example. Complementarianism is a horrible word - but there is already a Conservative Protestant/ Evangelical discourse 'ongoing' using that term, so I adopted it for that reason.

30 August 2014 at 18:26

Blogger John Rockwell said...

The bible appears to learn more towards patriarchy than complementarism. Though there are elements of completarianism:

That is in any context involving men and women. Women must not rule over men. Else such inverts the natural order and is a sin. Men howeved may rule over women.

30 August 2014 at 18:38

Anonymous ajb said...


30 August 2014 at 18:58

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Jr - "Women must not rule over men. Else such inverts the natural order and is a sin. Men however may rule over women."

No, I don't see *that* clearly stated in the Bible - but neither do I suggest complementarianism is in the Bible, nor indeed the Book of Mormon.

It is mostly a summary of ideas in D&C and clarified in later LDS prophetic teachings.

30 August 2014 at 20:37

Anonymous MC said...

I wasn't mocking the word "complementarianism," just alluding to how what seems like simple homespun wisdom often has a rather deep philosophical background.

Is "dyadism" taken?

31 August 2014 at 06:46

Blogger John Goes said...

Bruce, I did not claim that fatherhood and motherhood were symmetrical. I asked how fatherhood fit into your schema.

Fatherhood is surely very important, particularly given the analogy between earthly fatherhood and our relationship to our Divine Father.

31 August 2014 at 20:43

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@JG - OK, sorry to have misunderstood.

I would agree that Fatherhood is a distinctive quality of Men in a profound and metaphysical sense. But There is not really a 'schema' in the sense that the male-female qualities are not paired, nor are male-female qualities equal in number.

It *could* be, for example, that (ultimately, if this could be known) there are several distinctive male qualities but one distinctive female quality - the point is that both are needed for the highest spiritual development; not that there is any kind of numerical or quantitative symmetry or equality.

SO, the picture in the mind should not be two halves of a sphere or the interlocking yin and yan sign - but it *could* be symbolized more like an orange missing a segment.

1 September 2014 at 05:55