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Post a Comment On: Bruce Charlton's Notions

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Anonymous dearieme said...

A friend of mine used to display an old newspaper advertising poster in his university office. It declaimed "Grand Plan to Cure Chaos". Sardonic, eh?

1 August 2010 at 09:56

Anonymous a Finn said...

"Society is very mysterious animal with many faces and hidden potentialities, and ... it's extremely shortsighted to believe that the face society happens to be presenting to you at a given moment is it's only true face. None of us knows all the potentialities that slumber in the spirit of the population" - Vaclav Havel -

"The cultural forms may not say what they know, nor know what they say, but they mean what they do - at least in the logic of their praxis." - Paul Willis -

1 August 2010 at 17:16

Blogger F said...

As someone who has tried to teach in many classrooms in California I was frequently amused and appalled at the signs that filled many classes. Often I saw both these signs in the same classroom which said "Express Yourself" and "This is a safe place. We practice respect for all people." And what happens, I wondered (aloud on a few occasions) when someone had ideas that were NOT respectful to other people or other ideas? In general, the best teachers had the fewest official pre-printed signs on their walls and the most "student-produced" work on their classroom walls.

4 August 2010 at 17:57