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Post a Comment On: Bruce Charlton's Notions

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Blogger The Crow said...

Slavery exists, will always exist.
There are many kinds of slavery.
Some is voluntary, some not.
My wife and I are slaves to It.
It being whatever it is we are enslaved to.
We are willing slaves, because some things require slavery, and are bigger than we are, and more important.
This slavery can also be called worship, or reverence, or service, and may be seen from infinite viewpoints, good ones, bad ones, and everything in-between.
We even enslave ourselves to the humble. The lowly.
Because they are us, and we them.
Slavery exists. Will always exist.
It may be called Life.

28 June 2012 at 18:18

Anonymous dearieme said...

Hold on. Obviously sincere multiculturalists (should such exist) must be happy with slavery in the house next door. But I'm not. I don't see what your point is.

28 June 2012 at 19:30

Anonymous josh said...

I'm not sure slavery was such a bad thing. There is plenty of testimony to the general moral and spiritual uplift among the enslaved.

28 June 2012 at 19:49

Anonymous Mr Tall said...

This is a very good argument. The issue of slavery can also be used in another way: some modern liberals will admit that they hold slavery to be always wrong, every where, every time. That is a moral absolute, and can be immediately identified as such. And once one such absolute is acknowledged, the possibility of others is suddenly wide open to appeals to natural law/traditional morality, as you suggest.

29 June 2012 at 02:18