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Post a Comment On: Bruce Charlton's Notions

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Blogger Wurmbrand said...

Charles Williams's ideas need more such discussion -- from appreciative orthodox Christians.

My sense, from quite a few years of glancing involvement, is that Williams attracts two kinds of approving professing Christians: those who know C. S. Lewis loved and esteemed him and who are content to accept CW scot and lot on that basis; and those who revere CW, over against the "fundamentalists" whom they pity or find irritating (or both). The same sort of thing happens vis-a-vis George MacDonald. Or so it seems to me.

So it's good if orthodox, credal Christians -- who accept that Our Lord taught that much-disliked "turn or burn" religion -- take time to sort the thought of these gifted figures.

16 December 2011 at 20:48

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Dale - "those who revere CW, over against the "fundamentalists" whom they pity or find irritating (or both)."

yes - an example would be Rowan Williams, current Archbishop of Canterbury, representative of much that is deeply wrong with the modern Church of England, and President of the Charles Williams Society...

16 December 2011 at 22:10

Anonymous James said...

While I agree that the idea of co-inherence is rooted in a Christian anthropology, I think, following Maistre, we might say that the ubiquity of sacrifice throughout the world shows us that pagans can intuit the metaphysical reality of co-inherence to a certain extent. Although, I think we can also say that this intuition is transfigured and redeemed by Christianity.

16 December 2011 at 22:29