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Anonymous ben said...

I tend to think of what you're calling sorathic as late-stage evil of any of the evil orientations; like a meltdown or a tantrum that comes when the corrupted person sees no way to be gratified/avoid pain in their corruption without bringing death or ruin on him/herself. Like Saruman at the end of LOTR.

But I think there's an evil orientation (that I've been calling sorathic) that's probably best illustrated by what a person might think/feel standing on the edge of train tracks or on the edge of a cliff - it has to do with destruction of what one finds valuable oneself for the entertainment derived from that destruction. The suite of likely sins would include greed, despair, shame, etc. Rather than the luciferic contempt, lust, pride etc.

21 October 2022 at 20:17

Anonymous stephens said...

These times remind me of the first stanza of Yeats "The second coming." The final sentence being particularly apt. :-

Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.

21 October 2022 at 21:50

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@s - Actually, I don't find the passionate intensity of 'the worst' to be convincing - I think it's just public relations sham and media hype. There isn't much genuine passionate intensity in the world today, compared with a century ago when Yeats was writing; because beliefs are shallow and negative, hence cannot sustain courage and vigour.

On the contrary, it seems a very tired and despairing kind of world - at least in The West.

At any rate, the world of 2022 would not have been so docile (nor so fearful) in response to the global totalitarian coup of 2020.

21 October 2022 at 21:58

Anonymous Lady Mermaid said...

As an American, I don't really have a stake in UK politics, but something seems sinister about the sudden resignation of Liz Truss. Don't get me wrong; she's a Davos minion and not to be trusted. However, something's suspicious about the system hitting the eject button on what should have been one of its best servants.

Interestingly, Truss had pushed to lift the fracking ban and increase UK domestic production. The left consistently opposes any form of cheap reliable energy. Labour is certain to win the next election and they're already using the energy crisis to double down on useless energy sources (wind and solar). Brexit is also being blamed for the collapse. There may be a push to rejoin the EU under a Labour government while expanding green "energy".

22 October 2022 at 01:25

Anonymous Someone with name said...

Chaos is not the opposite of creation, but its origin, therefore is not inherently bad. The opposite of creation is a deviation from the nature of the world and its (conscious) corruption. It's like a disease in the body, distorting what it should be

22 October 2022 at 01:38

Anonymous ben said...

We have a world of people who are increasingly inclined in their nature to jump onto the tracks for the gratification derived from violating their instinct against jumping.

Which would be why we're in such a pickle.

22 October 2022 at 04:23

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Snn - I think you may be saying that it is theoretically coherent for someone to be indifferent to chaos/ entropy - without actually endorsing the destruction of creation. I agree that this is coherent, but I doubt whether it is possible - as of 2022.

Also, it would entail such a degree of passivity as to be self-negating if real - so it could not, would not, be argued for from that position - therefore if it did exist we would not know about it, and presumably such a person would swiftly die since they would be indifferent to it.

In essence, while conceding the theoretical coherence, it seems like a blind alley to dwell upon. In practice it is self-negating.

22 October 2022 at 06:52

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@LM - "something seems sinister about the sudden resignation of Liz Truss". Well, if I am correct, then Sorathic ascendancy explains it.

It is certainly evil, although perhaps not 'sinister' - since that describes the more devious Ahrimanic approach to long-termist evil.

22 October 2022 at 06:55