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Anonymous Wm Jas said...

Love between parent and child can be regarded as good if we assume that its goodness comes from the goodness of god - otherwise it is just a contingent by-product of natural selection.

This implies that parenthood as such may be a psychological cause of our worship of God but cannot be the moral reason for that worship.

Worshiping God is good because reverence for parents is good, but reverence for parents is (you say) good only insofar as it comes from the goodness of God. Therefore, ultimately, worshiping God is good because God is good, not because he is our Father.


Another question: What exactly is "worship"? It is not mere reverence or obedience or prayer or praise. Christians revere and obey their parents, praise good men, and may pray to saints, while still maintaining that they worship one God only. I've never been able to pin down exactly what the word is supposed to mean.

25 December 2014 at 04:45

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@William- That's an accurate summary of what I was trying to express.

Worship is tricky - and many kinds of worship are - I think - inappropriate to be directed at a loving Father (as Christians should understand Him to be); and betray a view of God much closer to the other major monotheism.

It may well be that worship is a concept that has evolved by serial revelation, and which has suffered corruption at times. Perhaps the word is now irretrievably tainted - that is why I used reverence in the title.

The main point is that our attitude to God *should be* a consequence of our understanding of His nature, and the nature of our relationship with Him - and then we call *that* worship.

25 December 2014 at 05:43

Anonymous Adam G. said...

Bruce C.,

I like this. Mostly, I think people who insist on number 4 do so because they think 1-3 entail it (and they may be right). There is an emotional response and a responsive act appropriate to each of 1-3. 1 is awe, worship, fear and the appropriate action is submission and obedience. 2 is love, and the action is emulation. 3 is gratitude, and the action is praise. But what is the proper response to a logical necessity? I'm not sure. Which is why I, though I mostly agree on the question of logical necessity of the omnis, I just don't care that much about it.

Wm Jas,
I gnawed at a definition of worship a bit ago. The result is less clear than I'd like, but for what it's worth--

26 December 2014 at 13:46

Anonymous Adam G. said...

It's interesting how well fatherhood borrows from the other two, power especially. the father's power in relation to his children is part of the base experience of having a father. A father is also a creator, by definition.

26 December 2014 at 13:54

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Adam - Thanks - and I agree about the link between the reasons and the emotional response.

I suppose some of these responses are pretty much mutually exclusive (e.g. fear and love don't sit well together) - so the response will depend on which is dominant in a person; or which is dominant at a particular time.

26 December 2014 at 15:59

Anonymous TE said...

I can see why under certain circumstances someone would want to revere and also even love a non "omni" god, but to truly worship only seems proper to an "omni" God.

The reason not to worship a non "omni" god is because I can conceive (even if not fully, and not entirely correctly) of an omni God, therefore, even if an "omni" God did not exist (of course I believe He does), I would necessarily find my own "imaginary" conception of an "omni" God more suitable for worship than the "actual existing" (under these hypothetical conditions) non-omni god.

So even under the hypothetical case in which an "omni" God does not exist BUT a good, even great, even very very great "non-omni" god does exist, the non-omni god is not a suitable being to worship because I can conceive of something higher than him.

Whereas an "omni" God is always suitable for worship-- even under the extreme hypothetical condition of the non existence of such a God-- since He is the highest thing that can be conceived of or imagined He is the only being suitable for worship.

27 December 2014 at 19:09

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@TE - This is why it is a good thing that there are several real Christian denominations - Christianity has room for more than one theological understanding/ philosophical concept of God.

27 December 2014 at 20:28

Anonymous ajb said...

@Wm Jas,

I think a good start for understanding worship is as valuing something (from 'having worth').

In this case, to put God in first place (value Him first) is a basic Christian idea.

The Old Testament commandment is to have no other gods before me, i.e., to value them more.

27 December 2014 at 20:54