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Post a Comment On: Bruce Charlton's Notions

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Blogger Lucinda said...

For strategic resistance against evil, some personalities may be just fine with believing God made agency. But those inclined to atheism probably have to work out why God is trustworthy.

I, myself, am not inclined to atheism. But I prefer to believe God is not omni because it's more appealing to think God is fighting an evil he didn't invent. Maybe because I'm a woman, and therefore sensitive to faked male impressiveness, knocking down strawmen, etc.

Anyway, I think your God is more trustworthy.

14 February 2022 at 13:20

Anonymous Nathanael said...

I think it's good thing Bruce that you share your views and questions against classical theology, even though I may not agree totally with what you are suggesting. I don't see that real unity is rooted in agreement on theological systems anyway.. I think it's way healthier in our times to have a community that both acknowledges God and accepts theological difference, than a godless unity for example.

I think I also share your distaste of a sort of 'weaponisation of omniscience' that demands one stop thinking, and obey the rules unquestioningly, submits to the authorities. It reminds me of the 'love of ease' that Steiner warns about.

Likewise I also have a distaste for those who seem to rebel against everything, and don't seem to be able to discern the 'Good in the Bad' so to speak.

14 February 2022 at 14:34

Blogger Phil said...

The Scholastics used to debate questions like, "Can God create a stone so heavy that He cannot lift it?" I think perhaps God is omnipotent until he says something. Then He has bound Himself. He will not break His word, so anything He has said stands. Now if in order for us to have agency (free will) He has to not look at certain aspects of the future (our future, then He won't. So He won't say something that conflicts with what He said before, & He will do what is necessary to bring it to pass.
Is this any help?

14 February 2022 at 16:04

Blogger Dave Bagwill said...

Bruce, I was struck by a sentence from Brunton's Notebooks - 'The Quest' (#258 in that book):

"Authority and Individuality need not contend in a person's mind"

I'd like to rephrase that a bit: "Omni-God and personal Freedom need not contend in a Christian's mind".

14 February 2022 at 16:14

Blogger heyjames4 said...

I recently saw a similar sentiment expressed in drastically different terms, in one of the last places you might expect it.

16 February 2022 at 12:08

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@heyjames - Yes but similarity often, as here, actually means 'completely different'!

16 February 2022 at 12:26