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Anonymous Epimetheus said...

What if real metaphysical thinking can only be done with the heart, and it all revolves around the truth of that which is love, and that which is not love? It seems as if all the lies of the modern world serve one master-lie: to call that which is love not-love, and to call that which is not-love, love. It's as if that's the purpose of the whole thing - to lie about the true nature of love, with the ultimate purpose of purging true love from the Earth.

25 May 2024 at 14:31

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Epi - Well that is certainly a part of it.

But I feel that there is not a sufficiently clear and simple True understanding of Christian love, at least not one that is generally available or accessible. This makes it difficult to correct the false idea that are so prevalent.

The reason for this lack of understanding of love is - I think - wrong metaphysics, again! Including the denial that Christian metaphysics is (and should be understood as) separable from Christian faith. Far too many Christians put their metaphysical assumptions above their Christianity; without being aware that they are doing it.

25 May 2024 at 15:41