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Post a Comment On: Bruce Charlton's Notions

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Blogger lgude said...

I believe we are seeing the Tower of Babel principle play out in the self destruction you observe. If humans try to put themselves on the level of God their plans and schemes disintegrate. I find having the biblical Tower of Babel story comforting for the simple reason that it demonstrates that our species is entirely capable of destroying the ability to understand each other and cooperate through language without any help from Twitter, Facebook and all the rest. As a Jungian I see the occurrence of Brexit and Trump as a civilisational wide disturbance arising from the human collective unconscious.I know you are not much interested in Jung, but I think seeing this phenomena through Jung's lens gives a useful perspective on why the current elites and so UNCONSCIOUS of what they are doing to themselves and us. I am not trying to undermine your Christian perspective with Jungian concepts. I think your post is a devastating insight into the full religious significance of the total dominance of evil in our times. Godspeed.

19 August 2022 at 07:13

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Igude - Your comments on Jung are welcome.

If you could see my bookshelves, you would see many volumes by or about Jung - and others of his school. I have explored this over several decades, and sometimes with great intensity. I still believe there is considerable value in it - when understood in a Christian (*Romantic* Christian!) context.

19 August 2022 at 07:26

Blogger lgude said...

@Bruce Charleton
I think I may have misremembered a previous interchange with you in comments where I thought you expressed definite reservations about Jung. I now doubt I remember correctly. In any case I would not be able to appreciate your strongly Christian viewpoint were it not from the understanding of religion and Christianity I have developed from my many books by Jung and others of his school - initially Neumann's Origins and History of Consciousness which riveted my attention at the age of 19. The Jungian idea that seems very relevant to to your phenomenon of self destruction is 'compensation' - that is that for every conscious attitude, idea ect., its opposite lurks in the unconscious. So when the opposite actually bubbles to the surface as it did in 2016 in both the UK and the US, we should not be entirely surprised. All the King's horses and and all the King's men cannot stuff the Colgate back in the plastic chube.

21 August 2022 at 11:46