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Blogger Chiu ChunLing said...

There are two driving motives behind the sexual revolution.

One is simply cultural Marxism, the application of the principle that those whose principled and conscientious behavior produces desirable results must be forced to exchange those with the results of those who partook of every deviation from productive behavior. This means that people whose sexual behavior would have naturally led to stable, honorable, and felicitous family life must be forced to endure the consequences of immorality instead.

The other is a calculated plan to eliminate the natural affections between generations, so as to eliminate opposition to the conditioning of future generations as slaves or techno-serfs. Marxism may be generally called a tool of this sort of planning, they are often associated together. But the fundamental impulse is different.

Marxism arises from the demand of the young child, incapable of productive or even conservative activity, to be given a 'fair share' of whatever resources are available, without regard or even recognition of the need for those resources to be produced by mature activity.

The planner's impulse is a twisted and malevolent form of adulthood, one that recognizes the need for productive activity but does not accept the moral imperative to treat posterity as children rather than as an easily propagandized and controlled labor force.

Marxism requires the master planners to function at all (yes, even as horribly as we've seen in the last century). Without them, Marxism never gets past the idiocy of the stoned hippie commune that breaks down as soon as the parents (or whoever) of the infantile participants stops giving them money.

The planners don't actually require Marxism...but there are no more useful and numerous idiots than those who'll believe the promise of perpetual childish liberty from productive work.

19 June 2018 at 05:16

Blogger Nilrik Bosson said...

"Until, eventually, there is such chaos of mutually-resentful short-termist selfishness, that nothing can be done about anything. And that situation is what's called hell."

Well ... according to the Orthodox faith, hell is being in the eternal presence of God's pure energies, and hating it. His divine light then becomes a burning fire. But that very same divine light is eternal bliss for the blessed.

What you so eloquently describe is definitely a hellish situation, and humanity is certainly heading there even before the Apocalypse (when everything will be revealed), but it is not literally hell.

23 June 2018 at 22:27

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@NR - Not literally identical with Hell, agreed; but it is close to my understanding of the essence of that state, worth thinking-about.

24 June 2018 at 05:29