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Post a Comment On: Bruce Charlton's Notions

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Blogger Francis Berger said...

Your point about thinking being motivated by that which is "real, true, virtuous, and beautiful because divine and in contact with God" -- i.e., thinking from the true self -- cannot be stressed enough. Otherwise, the thinking you describe here can easily be confused with conventional, modern "freethought", which is not connected to the true self, the divine, God, etc.

Perhaps it's not too outlandish to claim that freethinkers have tainted the kind of thinking that leads toward freedom. I sense that most Christians, particularly the orthodox/traditional -- quite correctly reject modern, established freethinking and freethinkers. Unfortunately, this rejection also entails the rejection of anything even remotely connected to freedom via thinking, thus, keeping said Christians entrenched in retrograde modes of thinking.

I suppose this is where the development of consciousness becomes meaningful. The freethinking that began in 17th century was a step in the right direction, for lack of a better phrase, but it strayed from its original motivations and quickly became errant and degenerated into the idea that people are "free" when they think about whatever their false selves want to think about. Without that connection to the true self, to God, to beauty, etc., freethinking became driven by false self motivations, leading to disastrous results. It's telling that most modern freethinkers reject the existence of the divine altogether.

As you often state -- motivation is key. Modern freethinking does not lead to real thinking or freedom because the motivation behind it denies the existence of the supernatural, the true self, and God. However, thinking that aligns with the true self and God does make one free. Christians must not confuse the two, nor allow the presence of "freethinkers" -- present or historical -- to dissuade them from *really* thinking toward freedom.

21 July 2023 at 13:31

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Frank - An important consideration.

We need to recognize, and properly evaluate, the way that every aspect of evil-modernity that dominates the world today has *some* basis in truth and the good. It is this truth and goodness which gives evil its surface appeal, and which serves as the basis for distortion into the evils of this time.

Often - modern mainstream Secualr leftism is often broadly correct in its negative critiques of Christianity and the churches; and it is the twist applied after this point when the evil is done.

So, although - say - feminism and egalitarianism are net evil (very evil) they both have a core insight of validity which means that if they are rejected *in toto* then we will have arrived at another evil.

In other words, because all effective evil contains good, therefore the negation of evil is also evil.

What we must instead do, as Christians, is propose a further and higher good as a positive goal - therefore not merely attempt to oppose and negate existing evils (which tactic, anyway, never works out...)

21 July 2023 at 14:16

Blogger William Wildblood said...

"feminism and egalitarianism are net evil (very evil) they both have a core insight of validity which means that if they are rejected *in toto* then we will have arrived at another evil. "

Very true. They both have roots in something good which is the value of the free individual but the good in them has been deformed and made into an evil. However, because there is this basic good at their core it is hard to argue with them as they are presented now on an either/or basis which is what the argument usually gets reduced to. You have to go above and beyond the good/bad dichotomy to find the truth about many things these days which is why we have to go outside both traditional and progressive thinking to get anywhere.

22 July 2023 at 12:24

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@William "You have to go above and beyond the good/bad dichotomy to find the truth about many things these days which is why we have to go outside both traditional and progressive thinking to get anywhere."

Exactly! And that principle applies to so many of these dichotomous arguments. The answer is almost-never any kind of compromise, moderation, a bit of one and a bit of the other - but nearly-always by means of a third and higher value to which both sides are subordinate.

22 July 2023 at 13:41

Anonymous Mia said...

Given your expertise, I would be interested to hear how intelligence and creativity play into the freeness of thinking in your view. Thinking about my own thinking, I was impressed how quickly my thinking went to the Vonnegut story, which I am fairly sure I have never actually read myself, and how that rapidly leads to thinking along the lines of "but if we ever achieved free thinking they would just torture it out of us." Pre-packaged despair in a story allegedly meant to warn the good but that really powers evil- even when you never read it!

23 July 2023 at 01:41

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Mia - I don't really have much of a place for intelligence - at least not the differences in intelligence between people. These don't seem very important in general terms (although all such individual differences are very important for our personal destiny); although the quality of intelligence is indeed part of the mind, and cannot be separated from it.

(I think of intelligence as something like the speed or efficiency of thinking, somewhat analogous to the processor of a computer. Faster speed helps in doing what you are doing; but intelligence is not about the aim, or content, or actual processes of thinking. Certainly, the most intelligent people include a high proportion of those whose consciousness is Most seriously, and evilly, distorted.)

Creativity - on the other hand - I regard as very much bound-up with freedom of thinking: two different ways of emphasizing the same thing. We are free when we generate, or create, our own thoughts - from within our-selves. (Rather than in response to that which is outside ourselves.)

This inner-outer distinction cannot be pushed to the limit, because we are all joined together in some ways, and there can be no complete separation of one Being from another in God's creation.

Nonetheless, I think it is reasonable to say that we are being creative when we are free, and are free when creating. This gives a much better idea of the nature of our freedom than does the commoner business focusing on 'free will' or the matter of 'wanting'.

23 July 2023 at 08:54