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Post a Comment On: Bruce Charlton's Notions

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Blogger Nathaniel said...

Do you think The Fall was still a mistake (perhaps we went too far, too soon?) and that perhaps we could have still learned these things without so much suffering, the torturing of our Lord, etc.?

I have trouble with the concept that God planned from the beginning for His Son to and us to suffer so much (and thank God I've had relatively little), or that this was the only way for us to learn these lessons.

14 August 2016 at 14:15

Blogger Nathaniel said...

This is an interesting perspective that puts the real problem with The Fall in failing to repent after the failure, which then to me makes Christ's repentance on our behalf more readily understandable (because God wants us to be saved even though we fail here).

"The second mistake was to not take responsibility for it. Neither one of them said, ?It was my fault.? Neither one of them said, ?I was wrong.? Lastly, neither one of them said, ?God have mercy on me, please forgive me.? Neither Adam nor Eve truly confessed and repented."

14 August 2016 at 14:23

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Nat - My view on this is pretty much as Arkle describes in the full essay - I don't find the *usual* (mainstream) concept of The Fall to be correct - since it is (as you imply) not compatible with God as loving creator and Father: about those facts (love, creator, Father) I am far sure - but I am not sure about how to interpret 'the Fall' (which has had so many attempted definitions and explanations).

14 August 2016 at 14:42

Blogger Clear Waters said...

The way I have heard it in Orthodox circles, man has been enslaved to the devil due to his obeying the serpent and not God in the garden of Eden. A legitimate, free-will driven transfer of authority was undertaken. Since the devil is fallen, the world we have chosen to live in is fallen. The great thing is, this authority was broken on the cross and no only exists for those who continue to deny Christ's victory.

14 August 2016 at 18:44