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Blogger whitney said...

Of all my friends, family, and acquaintances I only know one other person who thinks what's happening is suspect and sinister. In varying degrees, every single other person is on board. It's overwhelming and disheartening. I don't even think it's possible to convince anyone anymore. Though I did have some success with pointing out that the term "locked-down" was never used outside of a prison until last year. The person I said it to did pause but then said they wanted the vaccine. I could have overstated my success

28 December 2020 at 20:00

Anonymous Monomachos said...

Isn't "rendering unto Caesar" just another way of saying "enabling Caesar"?

28 December 2020 at 20:03

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@M - No!


But I don't see the relevance either way...

28 December 2020 at 21:11

Blogger lgude said...

As an American I am quite aware that our founders were very familiar with Roman history and wanted to avoid the kind of corruption of masses in the late Roman Empire that generally falls under the heading of "Bread and Circuses'. In a word "distractions", as in Bruce's book, Addicted to Distraction. That we live today in a non stop media circus keeps people so distracted they don't notice they are submitting to an all pervasive tyranny. Having a cellphone is actually paying to impose a Panopticon on oneself. I know a serious Buddhist monk who has recently got rid of his and that makes me wonder if I am prepared to do the same. I put a Western Australian government app on my phone yesterday that makes it easier to check into public venues by scanning a QR Code. Complicit? - yes I am. On the other hand the apparently successful suppression of the populist outbreak of 2016 is to me only the overture. The end of the beginning. The vast majority are just now quite relieved that those of us who actually say out loud that the emperor has no clothes, have been kicked to the curb. I don't think they will notice that something is wrong until they run out of money - economic collapse being to my mind the most likely intrusion of reality into la la land.

29 December 2020 at 05:04

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Igude - I believe that spiritual awakening must come first - and that no amount of economic/ law-and-order/ genuine-disease-caused collapse will itself lead to spiritual awakening; since the cause of collapse will be wrongly ascribed (and is, indeed difficult to pin down, since there are so many causes, operating over different timescales).

We are all prone to hoping that some *thing* which happens will lead to the needed spiritual awakening - I certainly find myself doing this repeatedly.

And yet that is backwards: things-happening cannot fix our thinking, and we can't understand 'things' until *after* we have sorted out our way of thinking.

Actually, realising this is a significant step in the right direction!

29 December 2020 at 07:24

Blogger Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Brilliant metaphor -- especially the bit about "not noticing" abuse, making excuses, etc.

29 December 2020 at 10:18

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...


29 December 2020 at 12:06

Blogger Jacob Gittes said...

Is it possible that the way it will work out is that many or most of those who are incapable of spiritual awakening will just be eliminated (by death, starvation, despair, suicide, etc.), leaving the realm to those who have a sufficient amount of spiritual awareness to not die from the stress and despair and lunacy?

29 December 2020 at 23:10