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Anonymous martin kozloff said...

For years, I have been asking myself (but no one else, as I am surrounded by lunatics) "Just what the heck is going on? Objectively, we have a long train of abuses and usurpations, but something of a spiritual nature drives it. What?" Your recent posts on forms of the demonic have cleared my sinus cavities, boy howdy. And I am so grateful to you.

And now... Would you say that I get it or don't get it?

Not soul trap. Meditate on Christ's suffering on the cross, in the Garden, in the desert.
Soul trap. Buy a fancy crucifix, nail in on the wall, say "I'm saved" as you pass by.

Not a soul trap. Walk in the woods. Study plants with a magnifying glass. See complex perfection, realize that this is the work of a Creator, not trillions of accidents.

Soul trap. Join a Buddhist group, sit cross-legged, meditate on nothing.

Not a soul trap. See yourself wearing the full armor of God. Stand tall. Keep Satan behind you and not in your thoughts. Otherwise, he likes the attention.

Soul trap. Read a lot about demons, as if that will afford protection.

4 April 2024 at 19:14