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Blogger urant said...

Interesting concepts discussed. Are you speaking of the eyes that gloss over in darkness while that person is enduring an internal rage, yet remaining outwardly composed?

16 September 2016 at 11:52

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@urant - Not really - I mean glass-like, hard eyes - that always have the same expression no matter what the context: like a snake coldly observing its prey.

16 September 2016 at 13:03

Blogger Interdimensional Spiritualwarrior said...

Blair and Nicola Sturgeon I've noted have these eyes - both against. Brexit and pro EU. It is said their actually both Rothschilds furthering the evil EU globalist agenda. I don't find Sturgeons common touch homely Scottish lass persona convincing, I think there's more to her, and her eyes tell me this

16 September 2016 at 13:14

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@idsw - It is actually unusual to find any public figure (politics, the media, whatever) who does not have snake eyes - most (but not all) of those I have met close-up certainly do, at least partially/ hybrid.

16 September 2016 at 14:25

Anonymous Bellis said...

I wonder if the 'snake eyes' phenomenon is related to Icke's somewhat more extreme idea about lizard people. I've never read Icke, but it always sounded like he meant that one is either born as a human or as a lizard person, rather than potentially changing from one to the other (as you describe here). But maybe I just have the wrong impression of what Icke means.

In any case- we all probably know examples of normal people having developed snake eyes, but do you know of any examples of the opposite occurring? It must be possible of course, but unfortunately no case I know of has ever gone this way.

16 September 2016 at 22:13

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Bellis - You are right - it does seem to be mostly irreversible - but that can't be literally true: repentance is a possibility even though rare. And some people go through a snale-eyed phase in adolescence, from which they then recover. Perhaps that is because becoming a snake eyes in modern life is rewarded (in worldly terms); and maybe that would change more often if the incentives reversed.

16 September 2016 at 22:30

Blogger Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

Posts like this make me wonder if I might be one of those snake-eyed people. How would I know? I'm sure no one ever knows this about themselves. (I'm totally insensitive to this anyway; I've never noticed snake eyes even in others. A general aura of deadness and inhumanity, yes. It may be that this vague feeling is triggered by something abnormal about the eyes, but if so that perception is subconscious.) And unfortunately, "The fact that you can even ask yourself whether you're snake-eyed question proves that you're not" and "The fact that you can even ask proves that you ARE" sound equally plausible.

Are snake eyes something you can detect in a still photo, or is video (or face-to-face observation) necessary?

18 September 2016 at 07:32

Blogger bobdaduck said...

Could you perhaps provide examples of snake-eyed philosophy/mindsets? I understand a concept of a deadness/vibrancy in the eyes, usually evidence of a person's relationship with God, but I don't think that's quite what you're referring to.

18 September 2016 at 19:21

Anonymous Bellis said...

@WJT- For what it's worth, the second of your two 'equally plausible' statements does strike me as rather less plausible than the first! Also, if you mean the things that you've said in the comments here over time, then you're not likely to be snake-eyed. Certainly I find it pretty difficult to imagine that you are.

As for diagnosis, I realised after reading Bruce's post that I've been sometimes spectacularly wrong in predicting people would be corrupt and sociopathic based on still photos and then learning otherwise (always 'false positives'; never 'false negatives'), though I hadn't previously thought of the similarity to snakes. There seems to be much in how the eyes change or move (or the fact that they don't), as well as other aspects of the general countenance, all of which tend to make video quite a bit more reliable, and face-to-face observation practically foolproof. Of course, some of the more extreme cases are so obvious as to induce chills of horror from a grainy Polaroid taken at ten paces. Such examples abound in online news and social media.

18 September 2016 at 22:29

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@WmJas - I think it worth re-emphasising that the idea is based upon the eyes being windows of the soul - so that in effect it is the soul which is being observed, not the eyes. And when thinking about oneself, it is the soul (or 'true self) which is being discussed.

in terms of self-observation, the problem is the false selves which - to a lesser or greater extent - over-ride and imprison the soul. The snake eyes are a reflection that the soul has been locked away, and an artificial self has been substituted: ultimately by the forces of purposive evil.

False seves have various possible origins - they may come from advertising, education, propaganda etc; but quite often they are merely automatic and habitual behaviours, what Colin Wilson calls 'the robot' - they live life 'for us' - sometimes this is helpful and necessary, as when learning a skill such as driving or typing; but they also tend to take over reading, listening to music, and human relationships.

This is reflected in the usual 'glassy eyes' of most people who live in cities and have busy lives. Their behaviour is algorithmic.

The snake eyes, by contrast, reflect purposive evil - an attitude which sees the world as ultimately serving its own pleasures: manipulative, exploitative, often sadistic. Such a self may come from surrender to, service to, evil powers - or rarely be evidence of actually being an evil power, or else possessed by one.

So you ask how would we know? The answer, I suppose, as with all deep questions - is from the intuition of our true self - we would need to seek our deepest self and that will know. How to know if you have reached the deepest self? It is self validated.

The wrinkle is that we may choose to reject even salf-validating intuition, on the basis of some shallower principle. But I would say the proper way to proceed is to practice intuition, in both senses of practicing.

19 September 2016 at 06:04