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Anonymous TE said...

I'm a recent convert and have already experienced a little bit of this. I want to thank you, Dr. Charlton, because your writings (and the writers you've recommended) had a lot to do with my conversion.

I also wanted to ask about something you said about conversion earlier-- that once one *wants to be* a Christian, they are already a Christian. This seems to be the case with me-- that in the moment of my conversion what actually happened was that I discovered I had already been a Christian once I started to want to be one-- but that I had finally *accepted* my conversion.

I wonder if perhaps you could expand on this idea a bit... is it perhaps the case that the entire process of long term spiritual development is a continual greater and greater acceptance of being more Christian?

16 November 2012 at 16:03

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@TE - "once one *wants to be* a Christian, they are already a Christian. "

I think I got this from Pascal's Pensees, and it was given extra emphasis by Peter Kreeft's selection and commentary on the Pensees called Christianity for Modern Pagans.

I don't really know; but I suppose it could be that salvation is attained when one seeks earnestly to be Christian; but sanctification/ theosis ('spiritual progress') cannot begin and is delayed until actual conversion.

16 November 2012 at 16:31