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Post a Comment On: Bruce Charlton's Notions

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Blogger The Crow said...

PC is a doomsday machine: beyond control, beyond reason.
It seems unstoppable, until the chaos is complete.
Still: No cause for alarm...

11 May 2011 at 07:49

Anonymous Brett Stevens said...

Bruce will undoubtedly have a better formulation for this, but:

People seek an end to risk, doubt and fear.

As a result, they desire UNIFORMITY and an absence of tension between objects and potential outcomes.

The only way to achieve this is pacifism, uniformity, conformity, and universal speech and behavior codes that limit the ability of the strong to correct the weak.

If you read Nietzsche and the last chapter of "Ulysses" into that, you're on the right track; however, this has also been expressed not only in Christian mysticism but also in Greek, Pagan and Hindu sources. It is a truth of existence itself.

Political correctness is just the latest tower of Babel. We all want to be one, so each of us feels safe, and the result is that we all go down together.

11 May 2011 at 16:06

Anonymous Daniel said...

Mr. Charlton,

I see your point, but this seems a bit muddy to me. Your point seems to be that PC mitigates against good government, and there I agree.

But who ever said that a world government has to actually work well? If world government ends up looking like the Transportation Security Administration in the United States, where surly uniformed black people harass and belittle old ladies and children alike, grope and take naked pictures of people, preventing orderly air travel and driving up the price of flying, disallowing bottles of water and tubes of toothpaste for no real reason, well then... isn't that about what we would expect?

If you mean to say that PC government doesn't really govern in the classic sense, I agree. But "government" in the term "world government" is just a holdover from quainter times. What it really means is world totalitarian power structure. Just because life would be miserable and intolerable under such a situation doesn't mean it can't happen. "1984" shows this well, I think.

I suppose your general point stands that too much of this kind of thing could just result in collapse, and we may indeed be much closer to collapse than anyone would like to think. But merely asserting that PC government is awful, totalitarian, and backwards does not prove that it's impossible. In fact, from where I sit, PC government seems to be thriving nicely. Good government, on the other hand...

12 May 2011 at 03:39