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Anonymous mr tall said...

I'm of much the same mind when it comes to re-reading fiction. Most I'm happy to let go, but I find certain books are worth returning to.

Tolkien is of course one, because reading the LotR is almost like a co-journeying with the principals.

I also enjoy re-reading Agatha Christie novels. Some, because they have the strange power of gripping the mind fiercely during the reading, but then fading away out of memory with almost startling speed. I forget whodunit, and can return in a few years to enjoy that 'first bloom' almost fresh again. Others, though, have unforgettable solutions, but I still enjoy re-reading because I can manage to forget how Christie got from opening line to famous ending, and because I enjoy the settings and pacing so much.

9 August 2012 at 09:46

Anonymous JP said...

I agree with CS Lewis. Re-readability is the acid test of whether or not a book is worthwhile. This is also the reason I generally don't buy a lot of fiction (I get it from the library). Most novels aren't worth re-reading and thus aren't worth owning.

9 August 2012 at 12:18

Blogger Wurmbrand said...

I think that Lewis somewhere says that, in the first reading of a story, the "narrative lust" is gratified. Reading War and Peace, we do want to find out how Pierre and Natasha are going to get together. Reading Great Expectations, we want to see how Dickens resolves Pip's longing for Estella. Reading Huckleberry Finn, we want to find out what's going to happen to the slave Jim. And so on.

It's when we have enjoyed this "what happens next" element -- which no doubt is intended by the author to appeal to us -- that we can more fully enjoy other aspects of literature. Lewis recognizes, however, that, for some readers, narrative excitement is almost the -only- element that matters. I believe he saw Alexandre Dumas as an author who provided that -- and little more than that.

He also said that, where a book is reread and loved, those who have assumed that there isn't much to it should question themselves. If it is yielding some pleasure to good readers, beyond that of narrative excitement, then if may deserve more respect than they were inclined to give it.

9 August 2012 at 19:02