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Post a Comment On: Bruce Charlton's Notions

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Anonymous John Venlet said...

Dr. Charlton, your compilation of "the simple message of Christianity" from within John's gospel indeed is the soul of The Messiah's message. It brought to mind Thomas Jefferson's The Jefferson Bible, though of course Jefferson, being a Deist, seemed to consider The Messiah just a sound philosopher and teacher of morals. I, too, think the importance of the simple message of Christianity should be highlighted, rather than the controversies which have led to the many schisms amongst fellow followers of the teachings of Jesus Christ.

10 April 2022 at 16:33

Blogger Francis Berger said...


This post points to exactly what Christians should be ruminating on in the week ahead (and should always keep in their minds and hearts regardless of the time of year).

But ruminate is the wrong word. The message -- so lucid, direct, straightforward, beautiful, amazing, and good -- does not demand or require extensive rumination. On the contrary, all it requires is a free and willing choice based on love and faith. Put another way, the message simply has to be "known" -- its truth recognized and embraced.

10 April 2022 at 16:51

Anonymous Martin Allen Cragg said...

Yes, there’s a good summary in John’s gospel but it doesn’t give the whole picture and your own preamble gives rise to a few questions.

BGH ... that eternal life is a resurrected life and therefore only attainable by passing through the portal of death.

Rom. 6:3-9 explains the pre-condition that makes a resurrected life possible, after which the believer is no longer under condemnation (Rom. 8:1). Hence the exception to the inevitability of the death of the body spoken of in 1Cor:15:50-52.
The gospel the apostles were sent out to preach during Christ’s ministry on earth did not include any of the above because they were not aware until after His resurrection that Jesus had to die and be raised from the dead (John 20:9). They were sent out to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom of God (synonymous with the Kingdom of Heaven). That this is still the hope set before Christians is made clear in Gal. 3:26-29. The promise to Abraham and his seed was that he and his heirs would inherit the land of Canaan and live their for ever (Gen:14-15).

This promise was still the hope of early Christians as Justin Martyr testified:

For even if you yourselves have ever met with some so-called Christians, who yet do not acknowledge this, but even dare to blaspheme the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, who say too that there is no resurrection of the dead, but that their souls ascend to heaven at the very moment of their death - do not suppose that they are Christians” (LXXX 4 p.170) “But I, and all other entirely orthodox Christians, know that there will be a resurrection of the flesh, and also a thousand years in a Jerusalem built up and adorned and enlarged, as the prophets Ezekiel and Isaiah, and all the rest, acknowledge (Ibid p.171)

10 April 2022 at 21:45

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@JV - Thanks. The difficulty comes because people have different assumptions about the authority of sources. I've nailed my colours to the Fourth Gospel and given my reasons why!

@Frank - I rather harp on this point because it took me quite a while to discern and recognize it myself. When I first began Really reading the Fourth Gospel, I could hardly believe what it was saying - so different it's main focus was, than any other of the New Testament sources, or than most of the churches.

Also, the Fourth Gospel is generally said to be esoteric and mysterious, hard to understand - when it has this very clear and repeated core message.

Sometimes the hardest thing is just to read what is in front of you.

10 April 2022 at 23:02

Anonymous Lady Mermaid said...

Beautiful post. The world (and many in the Church) desperately need to hear this message, especially as we approach Easter.

11 April 2022 at 01:06

Blogger BSRK Aditya said...

You (and I guess the fourth gospel) are asking the impossible (believe Jesus for the sake of eternal life).

I can see how one can believe in Jesus. I can see how one would do things for an eternal life.

It just so happens that when one is believing in Jesus, the motivation cannot be an eternal life.

I suggest you try to see this for yourself. Believe in Jesus & observe your motivation. Or try to use your desire for an eternal life for the sake of action & use it to believe in Jesus.

But it's possible, for example, to believe in Jesus for a good life.

15 April 2022 at 08:42

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

BSRK - You misunderstand the meaning of 'believe' when it is used to translate a concept from 2000 years ago. You are using a modern, narrow and literal understanding of the word - which is certainly Not what is meant; indeed it cannot be what is meant because it is incoherent nonsense when understood that way.

Indeed, there is no modern word which has the meaning intended - because (to us) the concept has multiple and simultaneous meanings such as we can only (sometimes) experience in the best poetry.

You need to read the IV Gospel and try to empathically identify with what is intended by the usage of that term (and of the other words used to describe how we need to relate to Jesus).

This is the case for all fundamental words. Love, for example - a word used all the time, and yet no definition can capture what it means in its most genuine usage. It can only be known empathically and intuitively, and one incapable of love cannot know what it means.

15 April 2022 at 10:15

Blogger BSRK Aditya said...

I think I caught what you are trying to communicate - I can atleast attest to it's non-verbal nature. My thanks!

15 April 2022 at 10:43