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Anonymous David said...

Synchronicity is real. Once you have experienced it personally there can be no doubt. I have found that once you know this then you may be guided to further experiences with greater certainty; perhaps via the holy ghost, again if one is prepared to listen and follow in trust to the promptings instead of harden ones heart. Easier said than done of course. It seems clear to me that we meet others in this mortal life for a reason and that our paths are connected in unexpected but valuable ways. We must seek to embrace this when prompted to do so; our spiritual growth is contigent upon it.

23 June 2014 at 21:09

Anonymous ajb said...

"synchronicities are not designed to be any kind of scientific proof or legal evidence or public rhetoric"

The problem is that it's difficult to make an explicit probability framework for many events, and so we rely on our intuitions ("that doesn't *seem* likely"). Not scientific 'proof', but little in science adds up to proof - rather, evidence.

23 June 2014 at 23:43

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@ajb - I don't think probability alone gets close to capturing synchronicity - it is that feeling that you 'know' something improbable is about to happen- then it does. It is a sense of things being arranged 'around' you. I used to simply call it 'magic' - there was an atmosphere of being attuned to the situation and surroundings.

24 June 2014 at 04:57