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Anonymous captOBV said...

Anything good probably tends toward solid marriages, and raising good children, and that's racist because it propagates the human race. Very simple to understand actually. How dare you support the human race, bigot.

17 June 2021 at 16:41

Blogger Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

When a Scientologist tells you something is enturbulated, you don't argue passionately that it's definitely not, and that actually Scientology is what's really enturbulated. You just say, "Enturbulated. Okay, sure, whatever," and move on.

That's about how serious accusations of racism should be taken.

17 June 2021 at 17:20

Blogger Francis Berger said...

"So don't bother defending it by saying it is not racist - by your own personal and/or coherent definition of racist: your idea of 'racism' does not matter."

Yes, that pretty much sums up my experience when I worked as a high school teacher in a "disadvantaged neighborhood" in the Bronx, NY. Any attempt at rebuttal or clarification was instantly rebuked as "insensitive, privileged, or supremacist." And that was before anti-racism became a mainstream "thing."

17 June 2021 at 20:59

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Frank - You know I often harp on the fact that people don't learn - this is another example. Yet every day somebody tries to explain that some-thing is not racist, and the explanation is Never accepted.

17 June 2021 at 22:07

Anonymous Epimetheus said...

Is it possible that even rank-and-file SJWs are sponsored by the demonic? It’s as if there’s something extra - something terrifying - in their malice and rage that has somehow intimidated the entire society. No-one can seem to truly stand against it, much less impose lasting victories.

17 June 2021 at 22:41

Blogger Jacob Gittes said...

Interesting synchronicity - I have corresponded a bit with a man who claims he was there in the room, and knows the people, who decided to weaponize the term "white supremacy." Their ideas as to tie the word "white" with a word whose phonemes "clicked" or were alliterative, because the masses would then parrot it.
So they came up with "white supremacy."
I suspect that besides those men and their weaponized psychologists were also demons.
But it's interesting how powerful weaponized language and stigmatizing labels have become for now. It's really just a magic trick: people associated nonsense phrases with badness, and if you get called that label without evidence, you then get the badness stuck to you.
We must assume automatically that anyone accused of being a racist is innocent.
For myself, I think the term "racist" is unecessary and almost useless, even in its original usagages.

17 June 2021 at 23:23