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Blogger a_probst said...

I was curious to hear what a rural Somerset accent sounded like. In "The Ribos Operation", an episode of Doctor Who, Ian Cuthbertson plays a con artist who in one scene pretends to be a town crier. The Doctor says to his companion that the crier gave himself away as an Earth man because he spoke in a Somerset accent.

It must have been an urban Somerset accent because it certainly lacked that almost-American twang heard in these videos. And thank you for sharing them, they were fun, especially Cutler's. (Full disclosure: I haven't watched the documentary all the way through yet.)

24 June 2018 at 03:52

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@a probst - Iain Cuthbertson was, of course, Scottish; and although he was a great actor, it's unlikely he would have been able to do a specifcially Somerset accent (most likely the generically West Country-flavoured accent that actors call 'Mummerset' - 'mummer' being an old term for actor).

Incidentally I met Iain Cutherbertson during the recording of my (one and only) radio drama ( - he'd long been a favourite actor of mine, and I found him impressive in stature (a 'presence'), and a likeable personality. I also met Ed Bishop (Captain Blue from Gerry Anderson's Captain Scarlet, and Ed Straker from UFO).

24 June 2018 at 05:36

Blogger Nathaniel said...

I like that "almost American twang", I think it would not have been hard for them to play with a bluegrass band

27 June 2018 at 17:48

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Nat - My understanding is that some aspects of the 'American Accent' came from the South of England - albeit mostly the South East (East Anglia) - however the Appalachians was (I think) mostly settled by people from the border of Scotland and England, who have a different kind of accent, at least nowadays; and some Scandinavian influence from the time when they were part of the Danelaw. I say 'they' but these are most of my own ancestors - The Charltons being a leading English Border Reiver family.

28 June 2018 at 09:28