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Blogger Francis Berger said...

The way you have outlined this via front-loading/back-loading is very comprehensible and illuminating

"Yet if the answer we need and that is true is necessary, then we can be sure that we personally will have the creative capacity to generate, to create, invent it."

This is certainly the heart of the matter, but as you say, it relies on formulating the right questions, which entails the proper motivation and personal responsibility. In my experience, people prefer ready-made questions to which they can apply ready-made answers - which helps explain the overwhelming appeal of AI technology, which you wrote about recently. We are reaching the point where people are no longer even interested in "knowing indirectly", let alone directly.

Questions are very intriguing from a spiritual perspective because "wrong" questions rarely, if ever, lead to "right" answers. Questions are also expressions of agency and freedom - the better the question, the higher the inherent agency or freedom of the questioner. In this sense, correctly formulated, honest questions are creative expressions that open up possibility for spiritual co-creation.

30 September 2023 at 17:26

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Frank - yes, this business of questions seems to be crucial.

It may have been my studies of geniuses (; led me to recognize that the greatest breakthroughs often came from reformulating the question, asking a different question, changing the assumptions behind a question etc.

That was also the case in the best theoretical scientific work I did - indeed, the reformulation that solved a problem often amounted to an inversion of assumed causality.

30 September 2023 at 17:55