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Anonymous David said...

That's the last time I wear high heels on the weekend then ;-)

18 February 2014 at 12:01

Anonymous Bruce B. said...

I’ve noticed in the workplace that it’s the women who are taller than average (close to the average male height) that tend to wear high-heels most frequently. I’ve assume this is because they want to be as tall or taller than many of the men and that short women can’t do achieve this with high heels so they don’t bother.

18 February 2014 at 12:07

Anonymous Bruce B. said...

I’ve also noticed a lot of the women now wear leather boots (“go-go boots??”). These seem to advertise sexual availability too although I don’t understand how.

18 February 2014 at 12:10

Anonymous Steve Moxon said...

Hi Bruce
As I point out in the book you were instrumental in getting published (The Woman Racket), isn't it a misnomer to consider that females have status when status is a measure of specifically male mate-value? [Female mate-value is fertility -- youth/beauty.] Women compete to ape men in the male style sociality of the workplace so that they can better place themselves in the path of high-status men. The trouble is that they might have been better just getting a job sitting on reception -- not just for the reasons you give, that serial promotion takes away their youth, but also that male executives would fear her having extra-pair sex with fellow executives!

18 February 2014 at 18:35

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

Hi Steve - I was recommending your book again just last week (despite its unChristian perspective!).

Well, I defer to your analysis in a strict biological sense, but 'status' in women seems to work as an explanatory variable in the situation I describe here.

Can you think of a better and more accurate term? Delusional status?

18 February 2014 at 20:34