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Blogger Sean G. said...

Since time is a relative measurement of change, I assume time came to be through the act of creation. If nothing ever changed there could be no time since there's no such thing as a year, month or minute outside of it's relation to something changing, be it mechanical, planetary or atomic. Outside-of-time God makes zero sense. How can He create while outside of time? It's a contradiction. This type of thinking is an excellent way to distance ourselves from God's creative and loving nature.

17 August 2020 at 14:46

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Sean - "This type of thinking is an excellent way to distance ourselves from God's creative and loving nature." Indeed. Christianity got put-inside already-existing Greek philosophy very quickly. I'm not sure how quickly, but only the Fourth (and first-written) Gospel seems wholly free from it.

17 August 2020 at 14:56

Blogger Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

I suppose it will come as no surprise that I completely disagree. Everything hinges on one's understanding of time, and the correct understanding might well -- like so many other things in physics -- be somewhat counterintuitive. Any concept of what matters and what doesn't hinges on the question of what (if anything) is ephemeral and what (if anything) is eternal, so the attempt to understand time is of the utmost importance.

The most important thing about time is that it elapses -- it really does. Any theory of time that says otherwise is unusable.

17 August 2020 at 15:09

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Wm - I agree that 'everything' hinges on a correct understanding of Time; but I believe that the normal, commonsense understanding of (say) young children and hunter gatherers is the correct one about Time - and that the theories of recent physics has nothing whatsoever to do with it!

(Physics theories, like all scientific theories, are not realities; but ['merely', although this may be very valuable for certain purposes] Saving the Appearances.)

17 August 2020 at 15:34

Blogger Sean G. said...


"Everything hinges on one's understanding of time, and the correct understanding might well -- like so many other things in physics -- be somewhat counterintuitive. "

@Wm Assuming a loving God who wants our salvation, if everything hinges on our understanding of anything than it must be easily intuited by simple people who don't have the will or capacity to engage in these types of discussions—or only the exceptionally bright could be saved. So, either it's intuitive or our understanding of it is not critical—or my initial assumption is incorrect.

17 August 2020 at 16:43

Blogger agraves said...

Bruce, if anything can move people into another level it is music. Music because it creates a link between body/intellect and the deeper emotional levels. I am referring to not classical or religious music but some of the modern composers like Hans Zimmer who wrote the theme for "interstellar' and Aram Khachaturian who wrote the Gayane Ballet for 2001 Space Odyssey. These pieces have the ability to move a person quickly out of the head and into their entire being. The simplicity of these compositions cuts through our modern noise/concepts and takes you some place grand. But this grand place is not necessarily a happy place, it is full of everything you have experienced, full of memories of people and places. Like the end of Lord of the Rings with Frodo leaving the shire behind, a grand finale but not a happy one, knowing that where you have been has been orchestrated by an invisible hand.

18 August 2020 at 03:09

Blogger a_probst said...

@ agraves

Don't rule out some slightly earlier composers like Sibelius (Symphony #7 for example), Bruckner (Wagnerian without the ego), Janacek.

18 August 2020 at 11:56