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Post a Comment On: Bruce Charlton's Notions

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Anonymous John Venlet said...

Dr. Charlton, the problem you note regarding the divide amongst Christian churches is a pressing one, for the reasons you noted. Today, I think an firm argument can be made that the leadership of some of the largest Christian denominations could be referred to a pseudo theistic, rather than Christian, and by Christian I mean followers of the teachings of Jesus Christ.

Prior to Chesterton converting to Catholicism, in his book Orthodoxy, Chesterton defined Orthodox Christianity as Christians who accepted the tenets of The Apostles Creed, and I do not think he was off the mark.

In regards to churches as meeting places where Christians can encourage and uplift each other, though I think the demise of solid churches such as these is something to be mourned, I at times think that the churches of the earliest days of Christianity, where fellow followers of the teaching of Jesus Christ met simply in each others homes may be a more appropriate way to go. "Where two or three are gathered in My Name, there I am also."

18 April 2022 at 20:02

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Humans fool themselves into creating a feeling of security, though being void internally and existentially, by categorizing everything and setting limits on those things that reduce them from things which were required for experiences and knowledge waiting to be remembered. In other words, humans have setup a category called human which only requires a few token gestures of agreement and a social contract to implement a sense of control on reality, which by the way would become far less ambiguously perceived and feared without the terminal categorization of what a human being is. Nationalism and religion are the declining movements of a state of being that was more real than the participation in their systems. Far away from democratic theories, and far away from doing "what is expected" of a man or a woman, there lies a cure from the paralytic outcome of human beings measured up against the symbols we have used to create a standard of no standards. The trap set by exclusive participation of only what can be measured and the predictable outcome of having zero bonds or foundations for the individual to grow forth from, and provide the best chance for adaptation to go beyond, is simply a spiritual disease that has been welcomed into the heart. One only contests themselves and when they have bested that, they have overcome all challenge.

20 April 2022 at 21:47