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Anonymous Lady Mermaid said...

To be honest, I get outright bored when denominational disputes arise online. Its fashionable to blame certain opposing denominations as the reason the world is in its current state and all would be well if everyone would just convert to the right church. I'm a low church Protestant who happens to admire a lot of the medieval Christian world. Perhaps this makes me a contradiction. Abstract theological debates seem so tedious and are akin to rearranging the chairs on the Titanic in today's spiritual climate.

The majority of organized churches have decided that public health is their real god. Perhaps God is allowing this to happen so we will stop relying on simply going to the right church. Many Christians have prayed for unity in the Body of Christ. It may be that this unity will come through the falling away of old structures.

1 February 2022 at 00:41

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@GF - "Ecumenism" is the *opposite* of what Weka and I mean. If you don't understand that - then you are just having a private argument with straw men.

@LM - "The majority of organized churches have decided that public health is their real god."

Yes, and 'public health' turns out to be merely a branch of the state bureaucracy - with nothing At All to do with actual health in the real world, and everything to do with lying and manipulation.

So when churches adopt Public Health as primary, we lose both Christianity and Health -- as always happens whenever secondary things are put above First Things - First Things must come first or both are lost:

1 February 2022 at 12:39