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Anonymous Bruce B. said...

I remember starting to see goatees in the early to mid 1990’s. I first remember seeing them on men on TV who were trying to look intimidating and a bit sociopathic. E.g professional wrestler “heels”, biker-gang members, etc. The goatee was often accompanied by a shaved head.
Goatees quickly became mainstream. It seems to me the initial point was to look like a tough guy. Then it just became mainstream.
This is how I remember it in America.

29 May 2015 at 18:41

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@BB - It was much the same here. But the fact is that a goatee is intrinsically not-tough. Imagine a real hard man fiddling away at the mirror, making smooth edges, trimming the length, sharpening the point, every day... no. It doesn't make sense.

My favorite goatee is would have to be Burl Ives - round-faced, avuncular, low centre of gravity, animated as a snowman...

But I have to admit that - for all the excellence of his singing - there was something a bit dodgy about the Burl Ives persona. I imagine him as switching the jolly cheerfulness off abruptly as soon as the day's shooting was over. The goatee was the giveaway. (No idea whether this was true - just how he strikes me now.)

29 May 2015 at 19:06

Anonymous Joseph A. said...

Roger Delgado was the best Master -- indeed, the best villain in DW history. He was a treasure.

Tom Baker and Robert Delgado -- such a shame that they did not appear at the same time in the show's running. Perhaps, the screen could not have taken both of them.

30 May 2015 at 06:14

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Joseph - Agreed. My views on the goatee exactly mirror Delgado's portrayal of The Master, the mixture of surface arrogance and deep insecurity and resentment.

According to what I have read, Delgado's death was what led to Jon Pertwee's retirement from the role of the Doctor - so in a sense the appearance of Tom Baker depended on him never appearing with Delgado. But Tom Baker is certainly my favourite of the Doctors - the definitive doctor - and I think this is the fan consensus.

(My second favourite was Patrick Troughton - but that feeling may be over-influenced by the presence of Zoe (Wendy Padbury) as one of his assistants - who was so attractive as to cause mental derangement. The revived Doctors - from eight onwards - are not really the same person/ archetype. Capaldi seems to be trying to revive the original (asexual, wizard) archetype, but the producer and scriptwriters are working against him and trying to make the Doctor a side-kick of his assistant.)

30 May 2015 at 07:09

Anonymous JP said...

Spock's Evil Twin

Say no more.

30 May 2015 at 12:55

Blogger Chester Lyman said...

Couldn't this argument be extended to mustaches?

30 May 2015 at 15:07

Blogger Nathaniel said...

Indeed Bruce, what is your opinion on the mustache?

30 May 2015 at 18:02

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

I don't feel the same way about mustaches.

30 May 2015 at 19:12

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Moustaches are less work than goatees for sure; not that I've had either kind of hirsutism.

The Roger Delgado thing is spot on.

31 May 2015 at 19:08

Blogger Nathaniel said...

For whatever reason, people touting goatees do tend to be jackasses. Mustaches in general don't seem to be so, but I wonder about highly-stylizes mustaches (or a certain Dictator's goatee'd version of the mustache)?

I was thinking mustaches refuted your proposition, but then the effort to maintain is a little less than a goatee - and maybe that is a significant difference.

31 May 2015 at 19:37