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Blogger David Stanley said...

The emphasis on "The antichrist" singular is itself a problem.

30 April 2022 at 08:57

Blogger Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

I'm not inclined to give EM the benefit of the doubt. No one gets that rich without being comped, and that's even more true in as fundamentally dishonest a line of business as that of "eco-friendly" coal-burning cars. There's also something about his physiognomy that makes me not trust him, though I can't put my finger on it.

If he really removes censorship on a major platform, that would be a blow against the Ahrimanic establishment -- but absent a real Christian revival, all it will accomplish is an acceleration of the Ahriman-to-Sorath transition that is already underway.

30 April 2022 at 14:33

Anonymous Mike Bryant said...

Good post Bruce I totally agree with you, Mr Musk is the one who wants to turn us all into Cyborgs in order to save us from AI. There is indeed something about his physiognomy just as there is with Zukerberg and that women who ran Theranos Elizabeth Holmes there is something other worldly about them.

30 April 2022 at 16:32

Blogger Lucinda said...

I've thought about your skepticism about Second Coming teaching. In my own perspective, I don't have strong feelings either way, it could be true or not. It's not something that really speaks to me like Resurrection after death and Eternal Life.

My recent thinking about it, "why do so many that I really respect and honor speak of the Second Coming so surely, if it's not true?" On the one hand, it could be true, and just not something that interests me, so I don't feel anything about it. On the other, maybe it's a teaching meant to be soft for those who can not bring themselves to face the certainty of death, but that is designed to strengthen them against the transhumanist (antichrist) temptation. That certainly seems to be how it has worked out for my mom. She always maintained when I was young that she had a strong feeling she would live to see the Second Coming. It gave her something to look forward to. When she died, she faced it bravely and with peace, even having a little laugh about how He'd better hurry up if she was going to live to see the Second Coming. She died in 2020, which was a crazy year for sure, so she maintained that little hope right up until she stopped being able to follow any news.

My point being that many people might need some kind of "Santa Claus" belief, more symbolic than literal, to help them keep heart and avoid the fake hope offered by antichrists.

Which is why I really appreciate your encouragement to imagine and be motivated by eternal life in Heaven. It speaks to me much better than Second Coming teaching, which I never really could get interested in, but which I've seen work for others, protecting them from the antichrists.

30 April 2022 at 23:18

Anonymous Andrew said...

Concrete example: new Tesla cars have occupant facing cameras, which feed into a “black box” and are always internet connected. Yet people ignore this obvious, horrible privacy intrusion because EM is a hero or the like.

1 May 2022 at 14:20