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Blogger William Wildblood said...

Could it be that both you and Wilson are right, but you’re more right! I mean to say that the change in consciousness did come first but its opening up was aided and abetted by the products, such as the novel and new forms of music, that the people at the vanguard of this change created. Then each one fed off the other. But, as you say, the whole thing stalled. Whether because we simply weren’t mature enough or because of a deliberate attempt at derailing and sidetracking the burgeoning new form of consciousness is hard to say. I suspect both.

People tend to follow where they are led. Hence the majority of the populace genuinely seems to believe the nonsense that passes for truth nowadays. There simply weren’t enough leaders to ground the new form of consciousness and of those there were, artists, philosophers and the like, not enough of them saw deeply enough to go beyond imagination viewed as personal inner vision to seeing it as the seed of a genuine higher form of consciousness that should be pursued as a way of encountering the divine reality. And also the moral and spiritual aspects of the change were not perceived as clearly as the aesthetic ones.

17 March 2018 at 13:00

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@William, yes there is an interaction, a feedback... But it is crucial to knwo what comes first and what drives the process. There is all the difference in the world between a consciousness that changes passively (even if those passive changes then have a knock-on effect), and a consciousness the-changing-of-which drives everything else (even though consciousness then needs to adapts to those external changes).

This is related to the two main meanings of 'evolution' - the pre-Darwin idea was of evolution as *including* a developmental unfolding change, analogous to the maturation of an organism from conception to maturity - this entails purpose as a part of reality...

And the post-Darwinian concept of evolutionary change as *only* a passive consequence of reproductive competition and heredity (and undirected, 'random' variation) - this destroys all purpose, hence meaning.

17 March 2018 at 16:51

Blogger William Wildblood said...

Oh absolutely. That's why I said you were more right. The evolutionary impetus always originates from within.

17 March 2018 at 16:58

Blogger Wm Jas Tychonievich said...

I've never read Pamela, so I wonder what special characteristics it has that would lead Wilson to consider it the "first novel." Wasn't Don Quixote a novel? Or Robinson Crusoe? Or, looking beyond Europe (since we're talking about "human consciousness" here!), the 14th-century Chinese works Water Margin and Three Kingdoms?

17 March 2018 at 17:13

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@WmJas - It is the mainstream consensus that Pamela was the first novel - that isn't Wilson's idea. The others are precursors, but not the actual thing (for various reasons). Certainly the effect on people of Pamela was unprecedented, and its influence was incredibly rapid.

17 March 2018 at 19:40