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Blogger Pete C. said...

I'm just a random passerby, just here to say: best largely ignore the the media, and instead focus on things that have proven long term value, be it great fiction, wise philosophy, or the ethos of one's religion.
The more one pays attention to the media, the less they can think for themself.

16 April 2024 at 22:39

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Pete C - Yes, indeed:

17 April 2024 at 06:39

Anonymous Epimetheus said...

A few months ago I got into one of those worthless squabbles I try to avoid. A gentleman had recited the common view that all the institutions in the Western world covertly worked on behalf of the racial majority (Europeans), in order to advance its racist interests via the organs of power.

I thought about it a while and wrote back that the organs of power and the majority ethnicity were entirely separate, that the organs of power were at war with the entire human race, and the ethnic majority he thought ran the place in fact was in fact a most hated enemy.

None of this is important, really, but his response was interesting. First the gentleman was speechless to argue, so he asked me where I had received these ideas. "Who told you this? Where is this all coming from?"

I responded that they hadn't come from anywhere. They were my own thoughts.

He responded, "Oh, so you're just crazy then!"

Having encountered a truly exotic idea, the gentleman asked which institution or organization or organ of power I'd gotten this idea. Possibly I was an acolyte of organizations he already hated, or there was a hateful organization he was unaware of.

When he found out it was just me saying it, he instantly evaluated me as insane. Dangerously insane even; he blocked me, then returned to silence me when I started talking to someone else. But as you point out, this mistrust of individuals is categorical - he didn't seem to think himself fit to evaluate what I said himself, as if he didn't trust his own judgement any more than mine.

I guess this points to the central delusion of modernity - that organizations and institutions have a preternatural authority that places them like Mt. Olympus above the rest of us mere mortals. I think these entities must be "plugging into" the trustfulness that boys and girls have toward their godlike parents when they are very small children. People who Trust the Science etc. always have a distinct childlikeness, and even their assaults on nonbelievers have an infantile style of anger.

It was disturbing to witness old people during the birdemic whose spiritual auras were childish & fearful instead of elderly & wise. No doubt this was a consequence of the psychological warfare pouring out of the televisions - torture and terror seems to set people back to earlier developmental stages. Our elders should be wise; grown adults shouldn't view experts the way a baby views their parents. That was very disturbing and I'm glad it's over.

18 April 2024 at 00:10