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Post a Comment On: Bruce Charlton's Notions

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe that in this case you are not only wrong, but grossly wrong.

"Love God above all else" is indeed not really a commandment as much as it is a /requirement/; meaning, if you don't love God enough, you cannot get close to him. And this love is different from normal love, because here, you can and must /choose/. You must choose to love God above all else.

And yes, "above all else" means that you must choose to love Him more than your wife, children, parents... Which, it seems to me, is something you refuse to do, which is why you prefer the convoluted explanation given in this article.

"You must love God above all else" - it is so simple! And as you rightly stated in one of your previous articles, it is the evil that is complicated because fake.

"You must" - a requirement. "Love God" - self-explanatory. "Above all else" - indeed, above all else!


28 May 2019 at 10:41

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@L'C - It is futile to assert, and especially to threaten, that somebody Must Love God, when we all know that Love, as generally understood, cannot be commanded. It is *that* simple. Therefore we must either dispense with the commandment (as most people have done) or else reconceptualise Love.

28 May 2019 at 12:12