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Blogger William Wildblood said...

It's an interesting thought that it is a different type of demon that is in the ascendant now. I don't know whether this is, in fact, the case, or whether the demons evolve a different strategy as human beings evolve. I do notice, however, that it seems harder to repent of the modern sin of atheism based on self-satisfaction with one's own intelligence than more obvious sins of the past. Murder, theft and the like can't be disguised as virtue or seen as good (save in exceptional circumstances) but modern evil can very easily be disguised as good and often is. Therefore it is much harder to see the light. This is also part of demonic strategy. Once they can convince people that evil is good and good evil their job is done.

31 May 2019 at 12:09

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@William "It's an interesting thought that it is a different type of demon that is in the ascendant now. I don't know whether this is, in fact, the case, or whether the demons evolve a different strategy as human beings evolve. "

I don't know either - but it seems easier to imagine that there are a range of demoic types, as there are of Men. All are active, but some are more effective than others in any given time or place.

The main point is that the type of evil we are most prone to is almost invisible to us *as evil*. Although we all suffer from totalitarian bureaucracy, we tend not to see it as evil; and even feel guilty at our misery for failing to adapt to life in the Iron Cage.

31 May 2019 at 12:36

Anonymous Joe said...

A directional drifting could be called falling. Societal collapse could be seen as something similar to the second law of thermodynamics, but I know you avoid physics metaphors. In any case, the kind of insanity we're seeing now is hard to attribute to a mindless phenomenon like rust. Intuitively, there does seem to be evil agency at work.

31 May 2019 at 15:04

Blogger James Higham said...

"So that we have a literally insane society that has lost the capacity to speak, apparently even to think, with any coherence about anything?"

I've not the slightest doubt that we're dealing with the demonic as the old protections and comforts are jettisoned. Portals everywhere now. The individual must look to his soul.

31 May 2019 at 20:04

Anonymous Dave said...

Leftism is entropy. All systems tend to increasing disorder; the only opposing force is natural selection, known to us as war, famine, and disease, which have lately been absent in our modern techno-utopia.

No system can perfectly police itself against entropy because the policing mechanism is not immune. E.g. knives dull with use; scissors sharpen themselves but succumb to another failure mode as the joint between the blades works loose.

Religion is one way people preserve order against the ever-rising tide of disorder, but if not regularly tested in battle, all faiths devolve into rainbow-flag Unitarianism.

Right-wing societies purge disorder with fire and sword, so it's hardly surprising that disordered people a.k.a. leftists would ally with and fight for every perversion of truth and justice, and seek to create more defective, disordered people.

31 May 2019 at 22:39

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Dave - It's best to learn from but set aside physics concepts such as entropy. I'm talking about the purposive, conscious opposition to God's creation by living Beings - and this is not entropy.

1 June 2019 at 07:19