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Anonymous dearieme said...

Whereas "King" Arthur was a Kelso man, Merlin was a Dumfriesshire man. Cuthbert is, or used to be, the patron saint of the Co-op in Edinburgh.

11 November 2011 at 12:35

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

I think I used to know that Co-op, near to the big Royal Edinburgh Psychiatric Hospital...

My guess is that their choice of patron Saint was inspired by St Cuthbert's ability to go for many days without eating - which would be a rational response to the range and quality of food in the Edinburgh Co-op c1978-9.

11 November 2011 at 13:09

Anonymous dearieme said...

It might be to do with St Cuthbert having been an apostle to SE Scotland - just as the Glawegians still call things after St Mungo.

Earlier than either was St Ninian, whose spot at Isle of Whithorn is the only place I've ever visted that seemed to me to have a whiff of the numinous about it.

11 November 2011 at 14:53