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Anonymous Luke3 said...

I've found this solitary path of finding interior motivations and living by them difficult to sustain because it's relied on me being convicted of what these motivations are, finding the consistency of living up to them, and dealing with times of major doubt in them for after all they are built on my fallible discernment. Knowing people who are more at home in a group be they Muslim, Jew or Traddie, this group path seems easier to sustain and more rewarding. Wouldn't it be better counsel to find communities that are well enough motivated where one can rely on the support of others and to keep connected to these communities?

28 August 2023 at 12:47

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Luke3 - "Wouldn't it be better counsel to find communities that are well enough motivated where one can rely on the support of others and to keep connected to these communities?"

I don't know of any - not one. Of course, there are *partially* good (although net-evil) communities that have some potentially useful aspects about them that could be helpful in a selective way. But - from what I can tell - all of these communities seem very fragile, and on a declining spiritual trajectory towards ever increasing 'convergence' with the evil-mainstream.

Furthermore, in an overall and ultimate sense, it seems to me that things are too far gone towards active pursuit of evil for there to be any realistic possibility of reform and reversal (not least because almost nobody seems even to desire this).

In other words, from where we now are; it is probably better that this civilization collapses (destroying the gross evils, along with itself); rather than that it continues along the path that it has so deeply and chronically committed-to - corrupting ever more people, ever more deeply.

This is not my decision to make, but God's - yet with such a prospect so likely, it seems necessary to be able (if or when necessary) to stick to the path of salvation without requiring external social guidance or support.

28 August 2023 at 13:11

Blogger whiteknight32be said...

@Luke3 - "Knowing people who are more at home in a group be they Muslim, Jew or Traddie, this group path seems easier to sustain and more rewarding".

In the past 50 years I was a part of such different groups (not in the past 22 years anymore though) and I can only speak from personal experiences. I tend to agree with Bruce, not 1 - NOT ONE - group came even close to what you suggest. It would be better indeed, but I wonder if this ever can be achieved. I never was part of any community that could accomplish what you proposed (which doesn't mean that there are none existing). The problem is that in most cases, the one (person) that starts such a group - even when s/he has the best intentions (or not) - gets "bypassed" sooner or later by a kind of "Inner Circle". Lots of examples exist. Like ND Walsch (CWG) to name just one.

A purely personal pursuit of finding one's own way out of this Plato-like cave towards the Pleroma (or give It any name you like) is prefered, so at least I believe, for now.

What has helped me the most, is the belief of "non-belief"; or in other words a belief that can always change, is flexible and that can evolve depending on one's personal experiences. Romantic Christianity comes close for me (right now), but also certain forms of Gnosticism. In short, any-thing that offers me a little "some-thing" more of what I have integrated through personal experiences.

30 August 2023 at 21:11