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Post a Comment On: Bruce Charlton's Notions

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Anonymous dearieme said...

Here's a tale from an LRB review about Oppenheimer as a research student of Blackett: make of it what you will.

"Oppenheimer was miserable, near collapse, bedevilled by sexual frustration and academic anxieties. ... At his wits’ end, he left a poisoned apple on Blackett’s desk. ... His father, in town on a visit, worked out a deal with the dean. Instead of being sent down (or sent to prison), Oppenheimer was sent to an analyst."

21 December 2012 at 23:26

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@d - It is one thing to imagine poisoning the boss; but actually to attempt it...

It sounds like the debate was over whether O's action was 1. irresponsible youthful prank (sent down); 2. attempted murder (prison); 3. crazy (analyst).

BUt, as you know, I think most creative geniuses are at least semi-crazy.


I find it hard to imagine you reading the ultra-left LRB (I used to subscribe at one time) - Do you hold it at arm's length and keep your eyes half-closed, or maybe put it at the bottom of the garden and read through binoculars?

22 December 2012 at 05:51

Anonymous dearieme said...

Actually, there's a sort of honesty in its bias: "take me as you find me" sort of thing, so it's far more palatable than the Guardian, which I find a shamefully crooked rag. Though of course one has, has one not, to read Michael Cox on football.

22 December 2012 at 13:49

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@d - I sincerely hope one has never to read *anything* on football - whether Association, Rugby, American, Aussie Rules or of whatever type.

Balls are not meant to be kicked or fun with - but intended to be small enough to fit within the hand and variously bowled, pitched, thrown, caught or struck with wooden bats.

22 December 2012 at 14:07

Blogger A.K. Abeille said...

I suspect this post garnered few comments because it is essentially complete and beautifully correct. I just wanted to comment that it is also brilliant and particularly USEFUL, unlike the vast majority of any blog posts, of whatever quality of thought. Thank you, Mr. Charlton, for your generosity of mind.

3 January 2013 at 15:16

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

AKA - why thank you!

3 January 2013 at 15:18