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Blogger Crosbie said...

Dr. Charlton - it was an aside, but *is* there a connection between Pirsig's Quality and the quality of 'Quality Management'? Our time is characterized by artifacts of remarkable complexity and reliability, to an extent unimaginable fifty years ago (with no advance in underlying physical principles), and this in the context of otherwise extreme social dysfunction. In other ages it might be the *most* remarkable fact of the age. Pirsig died only a few years ago, but I wonder what he, or his younger self, would have made of these artifacts.

I couldn't make head nor tail of Pirsig's 'quality'. It *seemed* right but I was never able to think a single thought about it when I wasn't reading the pages of his book. On the other hand, 'Zen' (the book) gave me a permanent attitude towards technology which, while it hasn't made me rich, perhaps keeps me sane. It seems Pirsig was the only one who *noticed* our world was suffused with technology, and tried to draw out what that meant. Our technology since has become stranger and much more pervasive, of course.

23 August 2023 at 14:27

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@Crosbie - I think there was *sometimes" an imagined or asserted link between Pirsig's Quality and QA management - I think it was a reason behind why the terminology was introduced. In the UK at least; QA was used as a way of increasing Ahrimanic bureaucratization under the ridiculous (but never called out) pretense of a kind of 'holism'.

I used to write 'academically' about this "quality management" subject at one time: e.g.

23 August 2023 at 15:11

Blogger Crosbie said...

Thank you Dr. Charlton. That's interesting history, even if history of wrong ideas!

25 August 2023 at 02:10