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Post a Comment On: Bruce Charlton's Notions

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Blogger Matthew T said...

I don't know, I see encouragement here, in several ways.

First off, as I have been saying for some time now, although it breaks my heart to see how the beautiful symbol of the rainbow has been misused in recent times, that (ahem) misuse is going to turn out to have been very short-lived in the grand scheme of things. This underscores that.

Secondly, the business about upper middle class professionals getting in on flag-waving. How is this not positive? I say it is positive, in view that one of the biggest problems today is the way that "highbrow" upper-middle and "lowbrow" blue collar have been pitted against each other.

Witness the fact that during the American Civil War (I think it was the civil war?), Harvard fielded a fine complement of sturdy troops. Witness the way that the extinguishing of violence (duels, etc.) among the upper classes surely contributed to to the weakening and effeminization of society.

The point being, it's important to get the upper classes "on board" with any movement of national importance. (Winston was wrong that if revolution comes, it will come from the proles.)

And if you want to say that the upper classes have here, today, gotten behind an evil movement with their flag-waving - okay, fine. But I can't help seeing it as an amusing positive, to think of upper middle class strivers actually flying the national flag unironically. It proves there's a spark of national pride inside everyone.

26 May 2020 at 16:02

Blogger Bruce Charlton said...

@MT - Motivation is the point. Most people will do, or not do, anything they are told - that is clear; so what they do is irrelevant. Positive change must come from positive motivations - we won't get good from evil intent. Until people are internally motivated to do Good, then what people are currently doing, or not doing, is irrelevant; and no good will come of it. Spiritual awakening must come First.

26 May 2020 at 16:37