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Blogger Stephen Macdonald said...

this is exactly the kind of where a faithful Christian should confidently expect God to step-in, and help us (personally) directly with guidance and reinforcement, whenever that is necessary

A thousand times this. It became clear to me almost a decade ago that my primary aim as a Christian must be to develop the ready capacity to leap from the sandstone of this-worldly pseudo-assurance into the invisible but deeply, ultimately real embrace of the Lord. To the degree I am capable of Love, I love the Lord. Total trust is more difficult. To trust in the Lord totally in the way an infant must trust its mother -- this is difficult for any Christian, save perhaps the saints (examples in the Bible abound). But it is what we must do. I believe that God through Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit has essential work for each of us in this world. He will remove obstacles and support us, provided we make every effort to discern what that work is, and diligently pursue it.

26 February 2024 at 14:22